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CHAPTER 10 & 11 Trivia Game. QUESTION 1 Harry Harlow in his experiment concluded that young animals cling to their mothers because of the instinctual.

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1 CHAPTER 10 & 11 Trivia Game

2 QUESTION 1 Harry Harlow in his experiment concluded that young animals cling to their mothers because of the instinctual need to touch and be touched by something soft, such as fur or skin. This is called: Contact Comfort

3 QUESTION 2 Johnny thinks his brother got more Mountain Dew than he did because the Dew comes up higher in his brother’s taller, thinner glass. Johnny’s mother, however, gave them exactly the same amount. Johnny has not yet mastered the concept of: Conservation

4 QUESTION 3 Young Rachel, who is in the preoperational stage of cognitive development, sees the world from only her viewpoint, so she was mad when her parents wouldn’t take her to Burger King when she wanted to go. Rachel is demonstrating: Egocentrism

5 QUESTION 4 By the age of about 8 months, babies cry or behave in other ways that indicate distress if their mothers leave them. This was probably caused by: Separation Anxiety

6 QUESTION 5 Piaget believed people organize information by placing new information into categories that already exist. This process is called: Assimilation

7 QUESTION 6 A specific time when certain skills or abilities are most easily learned by animals or children is called: Critical Period

8 QUESTION 7 Authoritative, Authoritarian, or Permissive Kaylin is a senior in high school. She asks her mother if she can go to a concert with her friends at the State Fair. She also asks for $50 to buy the ticket. Kaylin’s mother agrees to let her go on the condition that she keeps her grades up and earns the money by babysitting her little brother. Kaylin’s mother is: Authoritative

9 QUESTION 8 Authoritative, Authoritarian, or Permissive Abby wanted to go to Assumption for high school, but her mother insisted that she go to Sacred Heart because it was closer to where they lived. Abby’s mother is: Authoritarian

10 QUESTION 9 Authoritative, Authoritarian, or Permissive Jenna is 17. After taking her driver’s test 3 times, she finally got her drivers license and a brand new car. When Jenna asks her dad if she can drive her friends to Florida for Spring Break, he agrees without hesitation. Jenna’s dad is: Permissive

11 QUESTION 10 Authoritative, Authoritarian, or Permissive Jake is 10. He asks his parents if he can ride his skateboard down the street and around the corner to Matt’s house. Jake’s parents agree to let Jake go, but they tell him to make a phone call home when he gets there and again when he is ready to leave. Jake’s parents are: Authoritative

12 QUESTION 11 Authoritative, Authoritarian, or Permissive When Anna came home an hour after her curfew, her father grounded her without even waiting to hear her explanation. Anna’s father is: Authoritarian

13 QUESTION 12 Authoritative, Authoritarian, or Permissive James never had a curfew; his parents told her to “make good choices.” James’ parents are: Permissive

14 QUESTION 13 Baby Jamie was very frightened the first time her mother took her to the office to show Jamie to her co-workers. Jamie was experiencing: Stranger Anxiety

15 QUESTION 14 Piaget believed that people adjust existing ways of thinking to encompass new information, ideas, or objects. What is the name of this process? Accommodation

16 QUESTION 15 Baby Jeffery, 10 months old, crawled to the edge of the front porch, looked over the edge, and then abruptly stopped and crawled back to his mother in the porch swing. He was demonstrating which concepts: Visual Cliff

17 QUESTION 16 The internally programmed process by which we undergo developmental changes that occur as a result of automatic, genetically determined signals is called: Maturation

18 QUESTION 17 Konrad Lorenz was very interested in how baby ducks and some other animals instinctively attach themselves to their mother or the first moving object they see right after they are born. This process is known as: Imprinting

19 QUESTION 18 When Megan visited her sister’s newborn baby, she held out her finger and the baby grasped it and closed her fingers around it. This response is an example of: Grasping Reflex

20 QUESTION 19 When a baby automatically turns its head if you touch its cheek or mouth because she wants to find her mother’s breast, her reaction is called: Rooting Reflex

21 QUESTION 20 The field in which psychologists study how people grow and change throughout the lifespan – from conception, through infancy, childhood, adolescence, and adulthood, and until death – is called: Developmental Psychology

22 QUESTION 21 When Jessica took her baby brother’s teddy bear away and put it behind her back, the baby didn’t seem to notice or care that it was gone. This is because the baby did not yet have an understanding of: Object Permanence

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