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Ancient Athens.

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1 Ancient Athens

2 Types of Maps Physical Map: shows rivers, mountains, lakes and elevations Historical Map: shows a map from the past usually includes a date Political Map: shows boarders and provinces

3 Describe a Citizen Men Women
A citizen is male or female whose parents and grandparents were citizens in the city-state Women Could work in the home Could only go to the market with a male escort Could only learn about running a home Could own land but could not sell it Could own slaves Were in charge of the home Did not take part in sports Could go to court but had to have a male representative speak for her Men Could vote Could participate in government Went to school to learn: math reading & writing Could serve in the military Could own slaves Could own land Could go to the agora (market) Could take part in sports

4 Describe a Slave Men Women
A male or female that was owned by citizens or by the city-state Could be bought and sold as a object and could not own land May have been a prisoner from another city-state that was invaded Men Work on the farms or as blacksmiths Did the heavy work or the citizen Worked as a tradesman for his citizen Could learn a trade Women Worked in the house of a citizen Cleaned and cooked Did not attend school

5 Describe a Metic A male or female that was from a different city-state
They could not own land and could not participate in the government Were there mostly because they fled their own city-state Could never be part of a jury in the courts Could never become a citizen

6 Were Men Valued in Ancient Athens?
Yes, the whole society was based on their participation. They ran the government, only they could attend meetings, vote on issues, be a jury members. The whole society was based on the men playing an active role in all areas of society.

7 Were Women Valued in Ancient Athens?
No, they really had no voice in the society. They could not participate in the government, they could not attend school, they didn’t take part in sports, they could not leave the house without a male representative to escort them. They had no say in the society.

8 Three Pillars of Athenian Democracy
The Council of 500 The Courts The Assembly

9 The Assembly A minimum of 6000 male citizens were in the assembly
They prepared the agenda for the Council of 500 Any male citizen over the age of 18 could take part Meetings were held every 8-10 days or as little as once a month at the Pynx They voted by a show of hands or by black or white rocks They chose some of the officials for the government The Assembly had to approve spending money, going to war or increasing the taxes citizens had to pay

10 The Council of 500 Had 500 male citizens over the age of 30
Citizens could only serve in the council 2x in their lifetime Was the full-time government Council positions were chosen by lottery Council positions were held for a year The leader of the council was called the chairman and only held the position for 24 hours and was chosen by lottery The council met daily at the council house

11 The Athenian Court Had a judge and a jury
The judge was called a magistrate Magistrate were chosen by lottery and held their position for 1 year Jury members had to be 30 years old Juries had 501 – 1500 citizens Defendants were persons accused of a crime Plaintiffs were the person who had the complaint about someone else Both the Defendant and the Plaintiff had the same amount of time to talk and the time was measured by a water clock

12 Was there Freedom in Ancient Athens?
Yes but only for the male citizens. All other members of this society (women, metics and slaves) did not have freedom. Women could not go anywhere without a male escort, slaves were told what to do by their owners, and metics could not own land to participate in any form of government.

13 Was there Equity in Ancient Athens?
Only male citizens had equity. All other members of the society were not treated fairly. This is the class structure of the society: Male Citizens Women and Children of Male Citizens Metics Slaves Citizenship was not available to everyone. There was no moving in or out of the four levels

14 Was there Representation
in Ancient Athens? No this was a direct democracy where all male citizens voted for themselves. They came together several times a month to discuss issues and make decisions for the society.

15 Was there Justice in Ancient Athens?
Yes, all people in the society could have a day in court if they had an issue that needed to be dealt with.

16 In Ancient Athens the male citizens had all the power and were directly involved in all parts of the democracy

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