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Puritan Era 1600s to mid-1700s. Pilgrims or Puritans? Pilgrims did not agree with the Church of England at all. They wanted to separate themselves completely.

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Presentation on theme: "Puritan Era 1600s to mid-1700s. Pilgrims or Puritans? Pilgrims did not agree with the Church of England at all. They wanted to separate themselves completely."— Presentation transcript:

1 Puritan Era 1600s to mid-1700s

2 Pilgrims or Puritans? Pilgrims did not agree with the Church of England at all. They wanted to separate themselves completely from the Church. Puritans wanted to purify the Church of England, not abandon it completely.

3 Who were the Puritans? Puritans: a conservative religious group that fled England in order to practice religion freely They sought freedom from sin, not freedom to do what they wanted. Strict doctrine -no dancing -no entertainment, including reading secular books -delving into the supernatural considered witchcraft and was punishable by death

4 Religion They believed England was the original church, but needed some serious reformation Puritans thought the bible should be followed exactly word for word. All laws and rules should be followed exactly. Established colonies to escape religious persecution Religion closely intertwined with government: Theocracy

5 Religion Cont. Believed that God punished those who were sinners and rewarded those who lived “godly” lives. Believed that you were predestined to go to Heaven. Earthly works could not gain you access to heaven, but “godly” people would show their “godliness” with godly work. And, living a godly life was a sign you were chosen by God to get into heaven. Frowned on secular entertainment, literature They did not believe in excess worship; they wanted no rituals, adornments, no stained glass, no cushioned pews, no singing, and no music. They wanted to keep things simple so that they could concentrate on God

6 Literature Revolved around religion; felt it must glorify God Pamphlets, religious books, newspapers, journals, poetry, sermons Writing considered unsuitable occupation for women Simple, straightforward, to the point Contrasted with the flowery, ornate style of Europe at the time

7 Education & Work Ethic They believed in strict discipline and had a strong work ethic They valued education - Harvard was founded in 1636 to train ministers Children were not allowed to play games; boys were taught to go hunting and fishing, while girls were taught how to run a household Women were considered less capable intellectually, physically, theologically, and morally (Eve was the first sinner)

8 Anne Bradstreet: first American poet

9 The Tenth Muse—collection of poems; brother published them in England without her knowledge Wrote about day to day living Endured traumatic events—small pox as a child, burning of her home, Indian attacks Died of tuberculosis

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