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Renaissance. Gothic 12 th to 15 th century Western Europe: Largely in France & England Precursor to the Renaissance Illuminated manuscripts Arched church.

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Presentation on theme: "Renaissance. Gothic 12 th to 15 th century Western Europe: Largely in France & England Precursor to the Renaissance Illuminated manuscripts Arched church."— Presentation transcript:

1 Renaissance

2 Gothic 12 th to 15 th century Western Europe: Largely in France & England Precursor to the Renaissance Illuminated manuscripts Arched church architecture Stained glass Artworks tended to be religious in nature

3 St Francis 1235 Tempera on wood

4 Term “Gothic” derived from the tribal “goths” who were attributed to having ended classical Roman empire/culture Considered ugly by later Renaissance artists Had derogatory implications up until 18 th century

5 Stained Glass of St George 1400-1410 Southern Germany Coloured glass, lead

6 Heironymous Bosch Born circa 1452 & lived until 1516 Painted religious artworks for nobility Painted triptychs: 3 paneled artworks

7 Heironymous Bosch Creation of the World

8 Garden of Earthly Delights

9 The Earthly Paradise (Garden of Eden)

10 hell

11 Madonna and Child with Saints and Crucifixion 1260-70 Tempera on wood,

12 Gothic architectural style Began in France in mid 12 th century Key elements: *Pointed arch *Ribbed vault *Flying buttress

13 Ogival or Pointed Arch Believed that the concept derived from Islamic architecture Drawn with a compass….inter- secting curved lines A secant ogive of sharpness E = 120 / 100 = 1.2

14 Ribbed vault

15 Flying Buttress An element of additional support Consists of large vertical masonry with a connecting arch to wall of structure.

16 Early Renaissance









25 Resources ture ture rchitec/MiddleAgesArchitectural/GothicArc hitecture/GothicArtArchitecture/GothicArtA rchitecture.htm rchitec/MiddleAgesArchitectural/GothicArc hitecture/GothicArtArchitecture/GothicArtA rchitecture.htm

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