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Showcase Schools Template (school name, website and postal address here) Showcase Schools Template (school name, website and postal address here) Please.

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Presentation on theme: "Showcase Schools Template (school name, website and postal address here) Showcase Schools Template (school name, website and postal address here) Please."— Presentation transcript:

1 Showcase Schools Template (school name, website and postal address here) Showcase Schools Template (school name, website and postal address here) Please return completed template to at your earliest convenience and no later than 21/11/ We will be selecting case studies based on the content provided.

2 SCHOOL SNAPSHOT Type of school (private- government- charter- other) Email and phone (inc area code) Size of school (student population) Level of schooling (primary, secondary) Location (metropolitan, suburban, regional or rural/remote) Number of classrooms Total number of teachers Total number of all full time equivalent staff (including administrative, support) Microsoft Expert Educator (include name- year level taught- area of expertise) Microsoft Student Ambassador details (name, grade)

3 SCHOOL SNAPSHOT Please provide up to 5 photographs which show: 1.Your leadership team (please provide names and their roles) 2.You school from the outside 3.A photo of a standard classroom (with or without students) 4.A photo of a shared learning space eg Library 5.A photo of students working with technology

4 PRINCIPAL/ ADMINISTRATOR SNAPSHOT Please provide: 1.A photograph of the school leader. Please provide name, email and best-contact phone 2.A brief career biography which tells the school leaders journey to this particular point in time. 3.A career highlight 4.A fantastic motivating quote the leader uses 5.A statement from the leader about the role technology can play in education. 6.If you have a BLOG or Twitter handle, please include

5 SCHOOL ACHIEVEMENT SNAPSHOT If potential parents visited your schools, what would you tell them about the school? Hint: Provide an example on an innovative or interesting practice that you lead that takes place at your school today.

6 LEADERSHIP & CULTURE OF INNOVATION What is your vision for your school? Why have you been successful in leading improvement at your school?

7 TEACHING, LEARNING & ASSESSMENT How is technology used to create conditions for 21 st century learning to occur? Detail how students with specific learning needs, particular abilities or impairments are supported to achieve their full potential at your school. Describe how technology plays a role here?

8 CAPACITY BUILDING How is professional learning organized at your school? What is the role of the principal, key staff, teaching staff and others in the organisation.? What have been 2014 priorities and what will be targeted 2015?

9 Learning Environment Where and when do students learning? Describe your typical learning spaces. Provide pictures How is learning supported in and outside the classroom?

10 Analytic Services Reporting, Insights Operations Services Planning, HR, Finance, Procurement Productivity Services Calendar/Email, Collaboration, Portal, Presence, Video- conferences, Social Learning Services Content, Homework, Assignments, Personalized Learning Identity SYSTEMS MANAGEMENT INFRASTRUCTURE LEARNER & STAFF ACCESS Laptop/PC TabletSmart Board Storage/DataServers Network Security Support, Monitor, & Control Please fill this slide with your current infrastructure. See next slide for example

11 Analytic Services Reporting, Insights Operations Services Planning, HR, Finance, Procurement Productivity Services Calendar/Email, Collaboration, Portal, Presence, Video- conferences, Social Learning Services Content, Homework, Assignments, Personalized Learning Identity SYSTEMS MANAGEMENT INFRASTRUCTURE LEARNER & STAFF ACCESS Laptop/PC TabletSmart Board Storage/DataServers Network Security Support, Monitor, & Control

12 APPENDIX Please attach the following documents or provide links to shared repository Latest annual report 3 recent school newsletters A scan of 2-3 media articles featuring your school/ teachers/ achievements Any other artifacts which showcase your achievements

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