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Statistics on Prisons and Crime in the U.S. Essential Question: What do U.S. statistics on prisons and crime tell us about deviance in the U.S.

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Presentation on theme: "Statistics on Prisons and Crime in the U.S. Essential Question: What do U.S. statistics on prisons and crime tell us about deviance in the U.S."— Presentation transcript:

1 Statistics on Prisons and Crime in the U.S. Essential Question: What do U.S. statistics on prisons and crime tell us about deviance in the U.S.

2 Difference between Prison and Jail Jail - is used by local jurisdictions such as counties and cities to confine people for short periods of time Prison - is administered by the state, and is used to house convicted criminals for periods of much longer duration (most of our discussion today is on prisons)

3 Increase in # of Prisoners U.S. has more prisoners than any other nation. U.S. also has a larger percentage of its population in prison than any other nation.

4 Increase in # of Prisoners In comparison to the general population growth – Prison rate has grown 18 times greater than the population in general since 1970.

5 Increase in # of Prisoners What does this mean: – If the prison population grew at the same rate as the population then the number of prisoners today would be 280,000 – not 1,650,000 – If the population grew at the same rate as the prison population then our current population would be 3,650,000,000 – more than China, India, Canada, Mexico and all of Europe combined.

6 Increase in # of Prisoners Why? Is there more crime? Have we become stricter with enforcement? Do we have too many laws?

7 Who is in Prison 87% are from the ages of 18 – 44 93 % are male 47% are African American – even though African Americans only make up 12% of the total U.S. population. 59% are never married 88% never went to college

8 Who is in Prison What does this tell you about the U.S. ? What other sociological factors that we have discussed can explain this?

9 3 Strikes You’re Out Policy “Get Tough” policy that the U.S. has been using for the last 20 years When someone is convicted of a 3 rd felony – the judge is required to give them a mandatory sentence which is sometimes life imprisonment. Over the last 20 years this has had some Unanticipated Consequences

10 Recidivism One major problem with U.S. prisons is that they fail to teach their clients to stay away from crime. Recidivism Rate: the proportion of released convicts who are rearrested

11 Recidivism Depending on the crime you first committed – there is at least a 40% chance that you will at some point be rearrested – not necessarily for the same crime again. If prisons are suppose to rehabilitate our criminals – this is a major problem.

12 Recidivism Is it the responsibility of Prisons to rehabilitate their prisoners?

13 Troubles with Statistics Crime Statistics are not objective: – 3 Variable of human created statistics What are the laws that exist How are those laws enforced How do particular areas report their crime statistics. Since these factors are different for different places – it is hard to truly get a sense of crime rates from one area to another.

14 Statistics on Prisons and Crime in the U.S. Essential Question: What do U.S. statistics on prisons and crime tell us about deviance in the U.S.

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