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Modern Theories of the Universe The final work EVA OPATŘILOVÁ 2015.

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Presentation on theme: "Modern Theories of the Universe The final work EVA OPATŘILOVÁ 2015."— Presentation transcript:

1 Modern Theories of the Universe The final work EVA OPATŘILOVÁ 2015

2 Table of Contents Definitions Fabric of the universe Formation of the universe Ultimate fate of the universe

3 Fabric of the Universe MATTER Ordinary matter Field Quantum physics Cosmic strucure of matter

4 Fabric of the Universe MATTER Dark matter Dark energy

5 Fabric of the Universe SPACETIME Special theory of relativity General theory of relativity Black holes

6 Formation of the Universe Standard cosmological model = Big Bang History of the theory Epochs of development

7 Planck epoch, Grand unification epoch, Electroweak epoch, Quark epoch, Hadron epoch, Lepton epoch, Photon epoch and Matter epoch

8 Ultimate Fate of the Universe Big Crunch, Big Bounce, Big Freeze, Big Rip

9 Conclusion The work achieved the assigned goal and it has several possible follow-ups.


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