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AMERICAN POWER TIPS THE BALANCE Chapter 19.2. AMERICA MOBILIZES  Selective Service Act of 1917  Men have to register to be randomly selected for service.

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2 AMERICA MOBILIZES  Selective Service Act of 1917  Men have to register to be randomly selected for service  24 mil registered, 3mil called to service  Only the ¾’s of men saw combat  400,000 African Americans serve as well (most in France)  Serve in segregated units, excluded from Navy and Marines  Most had non-combat duties  369 th Infantry were an exception (two of which were the first AA to receive French Cross of War)

3 AMERICA MOBILIZES  There was a 8 month training period  ½ in Europe, ½ in U.S.  17hr work days training with target practice, bayonet drill, kitchen duty, and cleaning the grounds  Practice with fake weapons  Women  Can not enlist  Army Corps of Nurses accepted women without rank, pay, or benefits  13,000 other women take positions with the Navy and Marines with full rank

4 MASS PRODUCTION  Expanding the fleet in 4 steps: 1.Shipyard workers were exempt from the draft 2.U.S. Chamber of Commerce get some PR with importance of shipyard work 1.Distribute service flags 2.Urge automobile owners to drive shipyard workers to work 3.Ship parts were made elsewhere and transported to the yard to build the ship 4.Government took commercial and private ships and transformed to battleships

5 AMERICA IN THE SEA  U.S. uses the convoy system to protect their ships from German U- Boats  Destroyers escorted merchant ships across the Atlantic  U.S. Navy also helps lay 230mi mine barrier in the North Sea from Scotland to Norway  Would bottle German ships to keep them out of the Atlantic Ocean

6 FIGHTING IN EUROPE  America comes in with new enthusiasm and energy  American Expeditionary Force (AEF) led by John J. Pershing called the dough boys  Most men had never been off their farm  Many shocked by the affects of modern warfare  New Weapons come into play  Machine Gun  Tank (bullet proof, can go through the barbed wire, clear infantry path)  Airplane  flimsy so used for scouting, “Dog fights” w/ pilots and pistols  Can later carry machine guns and bombs


8 HAZARDS OF WAR  Lice, rats, polluted water, all caused dysentery  Smell of poison gas and decaying bodies  No sleep and constant bombardments (shell shock)  Trench foot, from standing in water for a long time  Trench mouth, infection of the mouth and throat  Red Cross ambulances


10 AMERICA ON THE OFFENSIVE  Russia has pulled out in 1917 because of internal issues  U.S. arrive just in time to stop Paris from falling in May  Also help win the 2 nd Battle of Marne in July-August  Austria Hungary surrender in November of 1918  Germany also mutinies against their own government  11 th hour, 11 th day, 11 month 1918 Armistice occurs (a truce)

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