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INTERREG III B CADSES: Possible types of projects Bratislava, 09 June 2004 Karl Schmude, Department for Spatial Planning Ministry for Labour, Building.

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Presentation on theme: "INTERREG III B CADSES: Possible types of projects Bratislava, 09 June 2004 Karl Schmude, Department for Spatial Planning Ministry for Labour, Building."— Presentation transcript:

1 INTERREG III B CADSES: Possible types of projects Bratislava, 09 June 2004 Karl Schmude, Department for Spatial Planning Ministry for Labour, Building and Regional Development Mecklenburg-Vorpommern

2 CADSES „Central European, Adriatic, Danube and South-East European Space“ = CEE & SEE INTERREG IIIB CADSES

3 Scope of IR3B INTERREG A = Border regions, 2 countries INTERREG B = Larger regions, 3 countries INTERREG C = Whole EU territory „Inter“ + „Reg“ = „Between regions“ i.e. EU Programme for cooperation across borders in 3rd phase => INTERREG III

4 „Corridor“ type projects Examples Transnat. transport corridors (e.g. SIC) Transnational water management (e.g. ELLA) Transnational problem - single area of action

5 „Patchwork“ type projects Similar problems - local spots of action Examples Urban development Rural development Most environmental projects (e.g. READY, KATER)

6 … is based on spatial planning = ESDP, CEMAT, Vision PlaNet, national strategies... … projects are based in selected fields = Sectoral strategies of EU and international organisations, state of art Background for all projects … is financed by ERDF for EU members = European Regional Development Fund + TACIS / PHARE / CARDS for Non-EU members INTERREG III B…

7 Fields of action P1 Spatial development 1. Cohesion 2. Urban development 3. Rural development 4. Immigration P2 Accessibility 1. Transport 2. Information society P3 Heritage 1. Cultural heritage 2. Natural heritage 3. Landscape P4 Environment 1. Protection of environment 2. Risk management 3. Water management (Simplified, inofficial version of programme structure)

8 P1 Spatial development M1.1 Cohesion M1.2 Urban development M1.3 Rural development M1.4 Immigration Main objectives 1. Tackle regional disparities 2. Promote urban renewal + economy, promote polycentric city network 3. Enhance development assets of rural areas 4. Enhance integration of immigrants + prevent further migration Activities Planning activities Networking Pilot actions Information + training

9 P2 Accessibility M2.1 Transport M2.2 Information society Main objectives 1. Improve transport along transnational corridors + intermodal transport etc. 2. Develop ICT infrastructure, improve access to knowledge outside urban centres Activities Planning activities Networking Pilot actions Information + training

10 SIC! (Sustrain Implement Corridor, LP: Regional Government of Burgenland) Enhancing transport (rail) in corridor Berlin – Praha – Vienna – Bratislava - Budapest Main expected outcome Transnational infrastructure masterplan (rail / road / nodes) as investment preparation to induce future economic growth M2.1 Transport Project example: SIC


12 M2.1 Transport SIC partners A: Fed. Ministry of Transport etc. Province Governments of Carinthia, Lower Austria, Upper Austria & Vienna CZ: Ministries of Regional Development & Transport etc. DE: Fed. Ministry of Transport etc. „Land“ governments of Saxony, Thuringia, Mecklenburg- Vorpommern, Berlin / Brandenburg PL: Province government of Lower Silesia Non-funding partners in other countries (SK, HU, IT, SLO) etc., also private sector is involved (i.e. consultants, lobbyists) => Partnership is fairly transnational, yet „top-down“

13 M2.1 Transport SIC Work Packages WP 6 Project Management WP 2 Infrastructure WP 3 Transport Demand WP 1 Regional Development City Networks WP 4 Finance & PPP WP 5 Lobbying Communication Networking Accessibility Status Quo Analysis Prognosis

14 M2.1 Transport SIC main activities Traffic studies (Analysis, forecast / scenarios + recommendations) for the entire macroregion Traffic + feasibility studies for selected regional problems (e.g. train transit DE / CZ – Vienna – SK) „bankable papers“ for financing & development of a PPP project Information & lobbying for enhancement of transport infrastructure

15 P3 Heritage M 3.1 Cultural heritage M3.2 Natural heritage M3.3 Landscape Main objectives 1. Protect man-made heritage + develop relevant instruments, promote heritage as basis for identity 2. Protect + manage areas of high biodiversity, enforce relevant EU legislation 3. Protect + develop landscape (e.g. rehabilitation of mining regions) Activities Planning activities Networking Pilot actions Information + training

16 P4 Environment M4.1 Protection of environment M4.2 Risk management M4.3 Water management Main objectives 1. Cooperate to improve degraded environment, improve management of resources 2. Prevent natural and man-made disasters at transnational level, elaborate transnational risk management programmes 3. Promote integrated water management incl. flood prevention Activities Planning activities Networking Pilot actions Information + training

17 M4.3 „Integrated water management “ OderRegio (LP: Joint State Planning Dept. Berlin-Brandenburg) => separate presentation http://www.oderregio.org + Expected outcome Prepare future actions for flood protection along the transnational catchment area of Odra River. INTERREG III B Project example: OderRegio

18 What can you expect from INTERREG? IR3B is mainly a pre-investment programme. => No large-scale investments! Instead e.g.: Paperwork preparing investments. Fresh ideas („experience“) from other regions. New concepts for economic activities. Common visions and political allies => Influence Enlarge outreach of spatial planning.

19 Thematic networks Will be defined by Steering Committee to combine issues of at least 3 similar projects. Feasibility studies Will be initiated by Steering Committee to prepare complex and large projects. Duration 6 months. Result: Draft project application. New types of projects END

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