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Student Attitudes To a Novel Personalised Learning System Teaching Medical Interview Communication Skills.

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Presentation on theme: "Student Attitudes To a Novel Personalised Learning System Teaching Medical Interview Communication Skills."— Presentation transcript:

1 Student Attitudes To a Novel Personalised Learning System Teaching Medical Interview Communication Skills.

2 Doctors and Communication Our handwriting is illegible. We are sesquipedalianistically obfuscatory. Our communication skills are legendary --- for all the wrong reasons.

3 Importance of Communication Skills Direct link between communication skills scores and likelihood of being sued. Doctor’s primary job is to: – inform – comfort – help patients – help families at some of the most stressful times in their lives.

4 How did we teach it in the past? 1 doctor. 1 patient. 1 Registrar in judgement. Judgement: Methodical Checklist = Good Communication Skills.

5 Focus on Communication Skills Teaching Small-group, interactive workshops. Limited by resources and time. Teacher Dinosaurus Syndrome. 1 doctor assessing 1 student for 30 minutes. 80 doctor hours lost to assess 1 Medical Year in 1 interview.

6 Characteristics of Online Teaching? High Initial Investment of Time. Standardised Patient. Wide Geographic & Temporal Availability. Sole Focus = Communications Skills Individualised Feedback Freedom to “What If”

7 EmpowerTheUser - ETU Personalised Learning System Adaptive Interview Simulated/Standardised Patient Video + Text : Allows for non- verbal cues. Student Chooses Path

8 ETU – cont’d Structured Interview using Calgary- Cambridge Model of Medical Interview. Assesses Student’s Expected vs Actual Performance. Assesses Communication Skills & Process. Provides Individualised Step by Step feedback Coaching Mode provides hints / points for reflection.

9 Appearance:


11 Results within ETU 156 students. 278 assessed interviews over 25 hours. 26 dialogue choices per interview. 8,462 discrete user measurements.

12 Attitudes towards ETU 53% Felt anxiety similar to a real interview. 85% felt “better able to deal with” similar real-world scenarios in future. 100% felt individualised feedback was “useful and relevant”. 92% “would like more of my training to be delivered” via similar personalised learning systems in future Emailed feedback: 1.Students felt free to experiment and often took a “good doctor, bad doctor” approach. 2.Experienced anxiety similar to real-world scenarios. 3.“I rushed it.” 4.“I was afraid to ask was she thinking about ending it all.”

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