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Warm-up September 30 and October 1 Warm-up: Take the following quote and correctly format it: Perkins once stated on page 34, I have a very loud baby.

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Presentation on theme: "Warm-up September 30 and October 1 Warm-up: Take the following quote and correctly format it: Perkins once stated on page 34, I have a very loud baby."— Presentation transcript:

1 Warm-up September 30 and October 1 Warm-up: Take the following quote and correctly format it: Perkins once stated on page 34, I have a very loud baby.

2 Warm-up Solution Take the following quote and correctly format it: Either: Perkins once stated, on page 34, “I have a very loud baby” (34). Or: “I have a very loud baby” (Perkins 34).

3 Today’s agenda 1)Warm-up (10 minutes). 2)Norms of the Holocaust unit and Class Contest (5 minutes) 3)Background film on the holocaust(40 minutes). 4)Children’s poetry activity (25 minutes). 5)Butterfly activity (if we have time; will spill into next class).

4 Norms during holocaust unit ***I will give you a complete Unit Plan either Friday or Monday. 1)Be respectful of the content. Humor is not appropriate during this unit plan. 2)Only speak when you are called upon. Request being called upon with your hand raised. 3)No side conversations during lectures or direct instruction. 4)If you are asked to work with others,conversations should ONLY be related to the task at hand. 5)Be open to learning. This unit will increase your historical knowledge, your reading ability and your writing ability as well as your ability to think and apply what you’ve learned.

5 Consequences of norm breaking 1)I will keep track of your individual norm-breaking in a spreadsheet in excel. 2)I will re-direct your behavior the first time you violate a norm before taking note of it. 3)More than two violations in one day will result in a parent contact and a requested meeting between you, your parent, an administrator, and myself. 4)More than five violations total will result in the same.

6 Reward for desired behavior The class with the most points on the point system will be rewarded a lunch with my wife, myself, and Baby J (Jason, my baby). If you are in a class where a few individuals contribute to a lower score, you can still be rewarded. I will simply remove them from the equation and exclude those people from the reward. I will reward any ties (two way to six way).

7 Background on the Holocaust Take out a sheet of paper and engage with the following activities: 1)What is the definition of “Holocaust?” 1)Answer- 2)Watch the BBC film that gives a history of the holocaust. Write down anything that comes to mind and write down things when I Pause.

8 Children’s poetry activity You will be given one poem written by an actual child who experienced the holocaust. Some children survived. Some did not. You will find out if your child survived at the end of the unit. Directions: 1)Read your poem. 2)What is the central message of the poem. 3)What struck you about this poem? 4)How did it make you feel?

9 Butterfly Activity Each of you are now given a butterfly. Color yours as unique. We will post it in the classroom. At the end of the Holocaust Unit, you will learn if your butterfly survived…

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