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Section 4: The Development of Christianity Targets 1. Describe the public preaching of Jesus, a Jew from Palestine. 2. Summarize how Christianity spread.

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Presentation on theme: "Section 4: The Development of Christianity Targets 1. Describe the public preaching of Jesus, a Jew from Palestine. 2. Summarize how Christianity spread."— Presentation transcript:


2 Section 4: The Development of Christianity


4 Targets 1. Describe the public preaching of Jesus, a Jew from Palestine. 2. Summarize how Christianity spread throughout the empire and eventually became the state religion of Rome.

5 Background:Roman Religion the official religion focused on the worship of a number of gods & goddesses Jupiter, Juno, Minerva & Mars

6 Maps and Charts 2

7 The Jewish Background Judaea, the old Jewish kingdom of Judah under the direction of a Roman official called procurator Division & unrest among the Jews

8 The Jewish Background Jewish revolt began in 66 Crushed by the Romans Temple of Jerusalem destroyed

9 The Rise of Christianity It was in the midst of the confusion & conflict that Jesus of Nazareth began his public preaching

10 Jesus

11 The Message of Jesus Transformation of the inner person Love God & love one another Love your neighbor as yourself Ethical concepts - humility, charity & love towards others

12 The Message of Jesus Jesus was a potential revolutionary Jesus denounced by a Jewish court Pontius Pilate ordered his crucifixion

13 Pontius Pilate washes his hands of guilt and blame

14 Jesus being crucified

15 The Message of Jesus Followers of Jesus believed he had overcome death & come back to life

16 The Spread of Christianity Simon Peter, a fisherman who became a follower of Jesus Taught that Jesus was the Savior, the Son of God Jesus death had made up for the sins of all humans

17 Apostle Peter

18 The Spread of Christianity Paul of Tarsus, highly educated Jewish Roman citizen Followed the command of Jesus to preach the gospel to both Jews & Gentiles Founded Christian communities

19 Paul

20 The Spread of Christianity Within 60 days, there were approximately 10,000 converts Teachings passed on orally Saying of Jesus, personal memories, life & teachings form the core of the New Testament


22 Roman Persecution Threatened public order or public morals Harmful to the Roman state Nero persecuted Christians Cruel deaths


24 The Triumph of Christianity Structure of the church clergy, the church leaders laity, the regular church members

25 Why was Christianity able to attract so many followers? 1. Message, personal & offered salvation 2. Seemed familiar, offered immortality 3. Fulfilled the need to belong, formed communities

26 The Triumph of Christianity 4th century, Constantine became the first Christian emperor 313 he issued the Edict of Milan, which proclaimed official tolerance of Christianity

27 Constantine

28 The Triumph of Christianity Theodosius the Great, adopted Christianity as the official Roman religion

29 Section 5: Decline & Fall

30 Targets Explain why the Roman Empire gained a new lease on life under Diocletian and Constantine. Analyze how ferocious warriors from Asia and Germany finally brought an end to the Roman Empire.


32 I. The Decline 180 A.D. a period of conflict & confusion

33 Political Upheavals From 235 to 284, 22 emperors occupied the Roman throne 20 of these emperors met violent death Series of invasions

34 Economic & Military Problems Invasions, civil wars & plague caused an economic collapse of the Roman Empire Decline in trade & small industry labor shortage

35 Economic & Military Problems Plague (epidemic disease) affected both military & economy Farm production declined Financial strains made it difficult to pay soldiers

36 II. The Reforms of Diocletian & Constantine End of 3rd century & beginning of 4th two emperors helped the Empire New governmental structure, rigid economic & social system & new state religion, Christianity

37 The Reforms of Diocletian & Constantine Diocletian divided the empire into four units Both rulers strengthened & enlarged the administrative bureaucracies

38 The Reforms of Diocletian & Constantine Political & military reforms greatly enlarged the army & civil service inflation - a rapid increase in prices

39 The Reforms of Diocletian & Constantine Constantine constructed a new capital city in the east, the Greek city of Byzantium renamed it Constantinople Called it his “New Rome” built large palaces & forum


41 The Reforms of Diocletian & Constantine Temporally successful, such policies in the long run stifled the very vitality the Late Empire needed to revive its sagging fortunes

42 III. The Fall Capital of the Western Roman Empire remained Rome Constantinople remained the capital of the Eastern Roman Empire Pressure from invading Germanic tribes

43 Maps and Charts 4

44 The Fall The Germanic Visigoths, crossed the Danube River 378 Visigoths defeated the Romans in 410, the Visigoths sacked Rome Vandals poured into Spain


46 Maps and Charts 4

47 The Fall 455 the Vandals, sacked Rome 476 the western emperor was disposed The Eastern Empire or Byzantine Empire continued to thrive

48 IV. Why did Rome Fall Christianity’s spiritual kingdom weakened Roman military virtues Traditional Roman values declined, as non-Italians gained prominence

49 Why did Rome Fall Lead poisoning in leaden water pipes caused mental decline Plague wiped out 1/10 of the population Failed to advance technology because of slavery

50 Why did Rome Fall Unable to put together a workable political system


52 Analyzing Maps and Charts

53 Augustus Marcus Aurelius almost a hundred years

54 the Western Empirethe Eastern Empire Illyricum Byzantium

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