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Surveys to Enterprises Mapping the residential services, edutational programs and non-formal and informal learning environments offered in mobility programs.

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Presentation on theme: "Surveys to Enterprises Mapping the residential services, edutational programs and non-formal and informal learning environments offered in mobility programs."— Presentation transcript:

1 Surveys to Enterprises Mapping the residential services, edutational programs and non-formal and informal learning environments offered in mobility programs. Identifying the soft skills required from the labour market. Specification of the set of criteria for mobility. Quality assurement: focus group with International Officers, students and experts. METHODOLOGY OF RESEARCH METHODOLOGY OF RESEARCH RESULTS ERASMUS QUALITY HOSTING FRAMEWORK A proposed Criteria for a higher quality mobility program CCMU (Consejo de Colegios Mayores Universitarios de España, EUCA (European University College Association), IAT (Instituto Andaluz de Tecnología), UNIPV (Universitá Degli Studi Di Pavía), WUT (Warsar University of Technology) Email:, EXPECTED IMPACT OF THE PROJECT University – Industry Innovation Network. Berlin – Germany – European Union: 24 - 27 January 2015 Learning mobility is an important way in which young people can strengthen their future employability and acquire new professional competences, while enhancing their development as active citizens. However, a satisfactory attention to the issue of quality is not yet fully developed in students’ mobility programs. Mainly, soft skills development and both social and cultural immersion have to be pillars of mobility programs. These extracurricular activities, based both in non formal and informal learning, have to improve the employability of international mobility programs as ERASMUS. INTRODUCTION OBJECTIVES Setting up of a common standard for quality indicators for the measurement of the services offered to Erasmus students by hosting structures Setting up of common quality criteria for student’s mobility Improving mobility in structures with an educational program for the hosted students Providing the student with a more competitive curriculum in the job market Improving the recognition of the courses in the hosting structures within the student’s curriculum or diploma supplement Improving the recognition of soft skills acquired in non-formal environments. Identification of best practices in HoRs Identification of soft skills required by labour market Identification and validation of the criteria for European mobility. Quality interviews Focus groups (International Programs Officers) Surveys to HoR and Universities Deliverables Focus group with experts Direct end-users: rectors, managers university colleges, decision- makers regional/national/EU, professors, students, companies. The project will increase synergies between Universities/HoR and Enterprises. Indirect end-users: policy-makers, guidance experts, SMEs, etc., will be involved promoting strategic partnerships for the enhancement of the mobility and excellence beyond the finish of the project. Increase of each partner knowledge in terms of methodological products for supporting increased volumes of mobility and standards of quality. Funded by International Mobility Program ERASMUS Soft skills development Cultural immersion 4 3 1 2 5 Employability HOSTING FRAMEWORK CRITERIA HANDBOOK CERTIFICATE / DIPLOMA SUPLEMENT Improving mobility networks and structures through a training program aimed at Erasmus students. Providing students with a more competitive labor market curriculum. Recognition of studies undertaken in the HoR structure of the host countries, through a supplemental curriculum or diploma. Recognition of skills acquired through non-formal and informal education during international mobility experiences. Quality indicators for measuring the services offered by the different structures of accommodation for Erasmus students. A common quality criteria for students mobility.

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