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Plagiarism what it is and how to avoid it Presented by: Shemar T. Rigurosa.

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Presentation on theme: "Plagiarism what it is and how to avoid it Presented by: Shemar T. Rigurosa."— Presentation transcript:

1 Plagiarism what it is and how to avoid it Presented by: Shemar T. Rigurosa

2 What is Plagiarism?

3 to "plagiarize" means:  to steal and pass off (the ideas or words of another) as one's own  to use (another's production) without crediting the source  to commit literary theft  to present as new and original an idea or product derived from an existing source What is Plagiarism?

4 According to U.S. law, the answer is yes. The expression of original ideas is considered intellectual property and is protected by copyright laws, just like original inventions But can words and ideas really be stolen?

5  turning in someone else's work as your own  copying words or ideas from someone else without giving credit  failing to put a quotation in quotation marks  giving incorrect information about the source of a quotation  changing words but copying the sentence structure of a source without giving credit  copying so many words or ideas from a source that it makes up the majority of your work, whether you give credit or not (see our section on "fair use" rules) All of the following are considered plagiarism:

6 Types of Plagiarism Each of the 10 most common types of plagiarism are defined below. The types are ranked in order of severity of intent.  #1. Clone Submitting another’s work, word- for-word, as one’s own

7 Types of Plagiarism  #2. CTRL-C Contains significant portions of text from a single source without alterations  #3. Find - Replace Changing key words and phrases but retaining the essential content of the source

8 Types of Plagiarism  #4. Remix Paraphrases from multiple sources, made to fit together  #5. Recycle Borrows generously from the writer’s previous work without citation

9 Types of Plagiarism  #6. Hybrid Combines perfectly cited sources with copied passages without citation  #7. Mashup Mixes copied material from multiple sources

10 Types of Plagiarism  #8. 404 Error Includes citations to non-existent or inaccurate information about sources #9. Aggregator  Includes proper citation to sources but the paper contains almost no original work

11 Types of Plagiarism  #10. Re-tweet Includes proper citation, but relies too closely on the text’s original wording and/or structure

12 Types of Plagiarism  #10. Re-tweet Includes proper citation, but relies too closely on the text’s original wording and/or structure

13 Avoiding Plagiarism Avoiding plagiarism is quite simple. The best method for avoiding it is to simply be honest ; when you've used a source in your paper, give credit where it's due. Acknowledge the author of the original work you've used.

14 Avoiding Plagiarism  Another way to avoid plagiarism is to use your own work as often as possible. Quoting and citing sources is usually required and inevitable when doing research -- that's how you "back up" your own work. But using someone else's work excessively can be construed as plagiarism.  Another way to it is to quote and/or cite your sources properly.

15 Q & A Time!

16 Plagiarism Presentation Resources  Presentation URL  The Purdue Online Writing Lab (OWL)  (2014). Plagiarism. [ONLINE] Available at: [Last Accessed 16 April 14]. Read more:

17 Thank you!

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