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Memorandum of Cooperation for the CLIC detector and physics study Lucie Linssen Monthly meeting 19/11/2012 1.

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Presentation on theme: "Memorandum of Cooperation for the CLIC detector and physics study Lucie Linssen Monthly meeting 19/11/2012 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 Memorandum of Cooperation for the CLIC detector and physics study Lucie Linssen Monthly meeting 19/11/2012 1

2 groups involved in “world-wide LC detector work” 2 ILD SiD CALICE LC-TPC FCAL R&D group (ILC) group (ILC) “collab” (CLIC)  host lab “collab” (LC) “collab” (LC) “collab” (LC) R&D CLIC d&p CLIC d&p R&D

3 CLIC detector and physics study Memorandum of Cooperation Basic notions of the organisation are described in the Memorandum of Cooperation Link with the LC organisation under ICFA Link and synergy with the LC concept groups and the LC detector R&D collaboration A means for institutes to participate (semi)-formally Formation of an Institute board (IB) with representation from all institutes IB gives direction to the project IB appoints persons with roles of responsibility Rotation of roles of responsibility Small and enlarged executive bodies (ET and SB) Link to the CLIC accelerator project via the CLIC Steering Committee CERN as the host laboratory 3 CLIC d&p CLIC d&p R&D

4 “CLIC detector and physics study” Implementation model based on typical HEP experiment model CLIC Detector Institute Board (IB) Chairperson One person from each institute CLIC Detector Institute Board (IB) Chairperson One person from each institute CLIC Detector Executive Team Spokesperson Technical Coordinator Member(s) CLIC Detector Executive Team Spokesperson Technical Coordinator Member(s) Steering Board Executive team IB chairperson Additional members <= stakeholders for the study Steering Board Executive team IB chairperson Additional members <= stakeholders for the study  working groups  CLIC Steering Committee (CSC) acc. + det. CLIC Steering Committee (CSC) acc. + det. CLIC accelerator organisation here, with very similar structure CLIC d&p CLIC d&p R&D 4

5 The MoC document….. 5 Base text (generic and flexible) Annex 1 List of institutes Annex 2 Objectives of the study Annex 3 Organisation Annex 4 Publications / talks Annex 5 CERN host Annex 6 Signature template “the MoC” Defined and updated by the IB CLIC d&p CLIC d&p R&D

6 Objectives of the study 6 CLIC d&p CLIC d&p R&D

7 Admission of partners 7 Responsibility of the partners All partners are welcome, initially, on a “best effort” basis. The MoC “enters into force” once there are at least “8” Partners => the IB will start Hope to have the first Institute Board meeting at the CLIC workshop in January 2013 From that moment onwards => the IB decides on the admission of new Partners CLIC d&p CLIC d&p R&D

8 Publications and talks 8 CLIC d&p CLIC d&p R&D

9 Signature form 9 Status today: CERN has signed as the host lab and one institute has joined (Vinca Belgrade), And ~6 other institutes have shown interest to join the MoC Welcome to join ! CLIC d&p CLIC d&p R&D

10 10 Spare slides Recycled material, presented in spring 2012

11 These are all CERN-funded projects  (e.g. CERN contribution to LHC experiments, accelerator operation, etc, etc) CERN- LCD project CERN- LCD project this project stands for: “funding to work on LC detectors: ILC/CLIC concepts and R&D” project leader is Lucie (nominated by CERN DG) 2 explanatory slides, serving just to give background info… 11

12 ILD SiD CLIC d&p CLIC d&p CALI CE LC- TPC FCAL R&D group (ILC) group (ILC) “collab” (CLIC)  host lab “collab” (LC) “collab” (LC) “collab” (LC) R&D CERN LCD project participation CERN- LCD project CERN- LCD project R&D 12 CERN- LCD project CERN- LCD project R&D

13 Possible future LC organisation 13

14 ILD SiD CLIC d&p CLIC d&p CALI CE LC- TPC FCAL R&D group (ILC) group (ILC) “collab” (CLIC)  host lab “collab” (LC) “collab” (LC) “collab” (LC) R&D Possible future LC organisation R&D steering review ‘director’ 14 coordinator/facilitator bottom-up coordinating body representatives from blocks below R&D

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