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Beef Cattle Chapter 16. Classification O Phylum: Chordata O Subphylum: Vertebrata O Class: Mammalia O Order: Artiodactyla O Suborder: Ruminata O Family:

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Presentation on theme: "Beef Cattle Chapter 16. Classification O Phylum: Chordata O Subphylum: Vertebrata O Class: Mammalia O Order: Artiodactyla O Suborder: Ruminata O Family:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Beef Cattle Chapter 16

2 Classification O Phylum: Chordata O Subphylum: Vertebrata O Class: Mammalia O Order: Artiodactyla O Suborder: Ruminata O Family: Bovidae O Genus: Bos O Species: taurus: indicus

3 Beef in Ag Economy O Beef average about $45 billion annual gross income. O Largest money-generating industry in agriculture. O U.S. produces almost 19% of the world’s beef. O The U.S. owns 7% of the world’s beef.

4 Beef in Ag Economy

5 Purpose of Beef O Utilize grassland that would have no purpose otherwise. O They adapt easily and quickly. O Food source

6 History O The fluctuation of beef cattle in the U.S. is call the beef cycle. O Columbus brought them over on his second voyage in 1493 O Brought to Mexico in 1519 by Cortez

7 History O Settlers used cattle for work and milk. O Later on cattle were used for meat. O This was when the processing of cattle began.

8 Beef Processing O Grain-fed beef became popular. O Cattle were fed mostly grass from grazing land. O Fed grain at finishing phase.

9 Breeds Revolution O Beef cattle became popular. O Fed grass and finished on grain to quickly. O Some breeds were now favored over others.

10 Structure

11 Seed Stock O Produce stock intended for future production. O Used mostly for salvage value

12 Cow-calf Producers O Produce calves based on EPD’s. O Breed for higher weight calves for slaughter.

13 Feedlots O Used for finishing stage. O Feed cattle out on grain and prepare them for slaughter. O Fed out to size suitable for slaughter.

14 Slaughter O Final stage O Slaughtered and processed O Packaging is the last step.

15 Retailer to Consumer O After packaging it is sent to retailers O Retailer sells to cosumer.

16 Heritability O Specific traits are needed for different breeds. O Using EPD’s and performance testing these traits have a higher chance of being present in the offspring of the animal.

17 Breeds O Different breeds are used for different purposes. O Some cattle breeds are dual purpose. O Different for meat and dairy production

18 Different Breeds

19 Origin of Breeds O Most beef breeds originated in England O Angus O Shorthorn Breeds O Herefords

20 Composite Breeds O Breeds developed from two already existing breeds. O Seeking traits from both breeds to improve their quality. O Brangus O Santa Gertrudis

21 Reproduction O Estrous cycle for cattle is 19-21 days. O Estrus lasts about 13-17 hours. O Gestation period is different for different breeds but usually between 280-283 days.

22 Feeding and Finishing O Breeding beef can be hard on the females. O Good nutrition is necessary to maintain breeding herd. O High-quality feeds should be used for breeding as well as finishing.

23 Risks and Diseases O Health is a big risk in the beef industry. O Calf diarrhea (scours) O Bovine respiratory disease (results from pneumonia) O Blackleg O Bloating

24 Consumption O Quality problems O Gender and age O Food safety O Health concerns O Price and availability O Location

25 Effects on Consumption O Amounts exported O Technology O Animal Traceability O Food Safety/ diseases / BSE O Environment O Organic and Natural Production O Industry structure

26 References O Damron, W. Stephen. Introduction to animal science: global, biological, social, and industry perspectives. International ed., 5th ed. Upper Saddle River, N.J.: Pearson Education, 2009. Print.

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