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Welcome to our second Parent/Carer Forum Creating a positive school ethos.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to our second Parent/Carer Forum Creating a positive school ethos."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to our second Parent/Carer Forum Creating a positive school ethos

2 Working hard to create an environment in which every child flourishes  Our school goal this year is “Brilliance inside and outside the classroom”.  The school council used ideas from each year group to create a school Contract of Brilliance  Teachers have a role to play in this and so do the children.  We refer back to the contract to redirect behaviour when necessary.

3 Assemblies  We have whole school assemblies on a Monday and Friday morning.  Assembly themes are carefully planned to develop a deeper understanding of important issues.

4 This term we are focusing on: Celebrating difference

5 Circle times  Every class has a circle time each Wednesday.  These address Ms La Porta’s assembly from Monday.  Teachers can target discussions at an age appropriate level.  A planning document is shared to give teachers a bank of ideas for linked activities.

6 Maintaining the positive ethos in our school: behaviour incentives  Mr Williamson devised the stamper chart incentive.  Every class has a stamper chart displayed.  The aim is to gain stampers for positive behaviour.  Green stampers are awarded for positive behaviour for learning.  Red stampers are awarded for positive behaviour around school.  When a child gets 10 stampers they can visit Ms LaPorta for a Head Teacher’s Award.  The aim is to reach 30 stampers by the end of each year.

7 The Stamper Chart

8 Maintaining the positive ethos in our school: The traffic light system  Every child starts each day on the green traffic light.  If necessary a child is moved to amber if they are not modifying their behaviour after a request from their teacher.  If a child continues to misbehave their name is moved to the red traffic light. A sanction takes place when this happens.  Children can work their way back onto the green traffic light when they behave appropriately.  Techers may also devise additional behaviour incentives in their class to target class and individual needs. (e.g. golden coins into a trophy in the EYFS to promote team work skills)

9 What else would you like to know? Do you have any concerns?

10 Thank you for coming, please could complete the evaluation slip and give suggestions for future parent forums Parent Forum: Creating a positive ethos in school How would you rate the effectiveness of this forum meeting? 1.No new information given 2.I know more about how a positive ethos is created in school. 3.Very good insight into what happens Comment Suggestion for next forum meeting

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