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Introduction of the activity of Szombathely Regional Social Resource Centre Kht. (Public Benefit Company) ‏

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1 Introduction of the activity of Szombathely Regional Social Resource Centre Kht. (Public Benefit Company) ‏

2 The resource centre in Szombathely has undertaken to help people living with disabilities since its foundation, as a special part of its scope of activity. During the years it has formed a strong work connection with Irish, Norwegian, Austrian, French and Italian partners, any they realized a joint Phare program. The Regional Social Resource Centre Kht fulfils – on the score of attendance contracts – the basic and day attendance of people living with disability in Szombathely and Szombathely neighbouring area. More than 4000 people handicapped lives in Szombathely and in the neighbouring area. Regional Social Resource Centre wanted to help them by developing a Day Centre providing exemplary services. The first section of the development of this Day Centre for Handicapped People was completed in 2004. The new institution gives place to the two Supporting Services, Day Service and the Integrated Employment Supporting Service, which were operated in three different parts of the town. At the end of this year started the II. section of construction of Day Centre for Handicapped People. The construction finished on 30th April in 2007. This centre is exemplary not only in architectural point of view but also in services provided there (hydrotherapic department, IT-, communication services, practice kitchen, group rooms, individual development and advisory rooms, meeting room, training rooms, dining room, rooms for rehabilitation and improvement courses).

3 Diagram of the professional activity Regional Social Resource Centre Kht. Social manager office task -human-resource development -social political innovation -domestic and international conference organization -network building -conveying experiences -professional workshops -Regional Social Political Planning and Development Network Services helping Handicapped People -Day Service -Supporting Services -Integrated Employment Supporting Service Training (re-training, extension course, supervision, accredited trainings)‏ for clientsfor specialists Projects Helping women’s labour force integration

4 I. Presentation of Services Supportive Services for Handicapped People: Objectives of the services: To help people living with disability at his/her own living environment, to facilitate his/her own lifestyle principally by helping to reach the external (public) services and while preserving his/her independency provide special help within the flat. Services: Personal help Transportation General counselling Labour force counselling Community programs Medical aids rental Complementary services: hydrotherapic service; practicing kitchen service; informatics – communication service;

5 Day Service of Handicapped People Objective, task of the service: To organize communal services for patients, in accordance with the social, medical, mental state of them, ensuring their daily routine. Services: ability development in groups individual ability development development-preparation course preparation for employment development-preparation employment work-rehabilitation employment art-therapy conditional ability improvement make people practice the kitchen and other household tasks other free time activities Complementary services: hydrotherapic service; practice kitchen service; IT - communication service; Supporting Service for Handicapped People; Social employment started by 1st October in 2006. 1.Work-rehabilitation employment (10 employed people) 2.Development-preparation employment (9 employed people)‏

6 Integrated Employment Supporting Service: Objective of the service: Helping employability of handicapped people and people with changed work-abilities on the first and second labour force. Services: contact and map those who belongs to target groups reveal situation of the individual prepare individual carrier plan realizing individual carrier plan aftercare Special services: motivation and reintegration training promoting social and employment integration of people with changed work-abilities and disabilities; with the method of cognitive attitude therapy helping the employability of people with changed work-ability or disability; training promoting employment of mentally retarded people. Complementary services: hydrotherapic service; practice kitchen service; IT - communication service; Supporting Service for Handicapped People; Day Service for Handicapped People.

7 Regional Social Resource Centre Kht has been an accredited adult training institution since 2003. In long term it ensures the effective operation of its adult training activities by forming its service standard of activity in accordance with the demands of domestic and international market. The convenient quality and effective quality control are those things which maintain and strengthen the reputation of the organization. Since June in 2005 the leadership of the organization committed itself to introduce and implement quality control system in accordance with the FMM decree 24/2004. (VI.22.). We developed and operate our quality control system corresponding to our client’s expectations, domestic and international requirements, and to provide the fulfilment of our quality policy and quality objectives, and the effectiveness of our organisation.

8 II. Trainings Process of training activities projects (developing training activities, execution of experimental trainings for clients and social specialists)‏ Client’s training Specialist training -Course promoting employment of people with mental disability -Course helping to become an entrepreneur for women -Personal training based on cognitive attitude-therapy -Training which helps joining to employment/training accredited social extension course - Social Week -Social work with different life status groups -Elderly attendance in our days -„Model of individual centred help” other adult training -Social worker and nurse training -Vocational rehabilitation coordinator training -Training for community improvers

9 III. Introduction of domestic and international projects Vocational Rehabilitation Service (EQUAL)‏ ”I think of my future” Helping of individual by the method of cognitive attitude therapy (HEFOP 2.3.2.-05/1.)‏ „Special training of specialists dealing with the help of mental handicapped people” (HEFOP 2.2.)‏ Developing and operation supporting service and day services for handicapped people in Szombathely small area (ROP 3.2.2.)‏ Work in Mind– „Consider our future” – program based on cognitive attitude therapy principles (Leonardo da Vinci /2004-IRL/04/B/F/PP – 153.206)‏ „Entrepreneur women – innovative child attendance” (HEFOP-1.3.1- 06/1.-2006-11-0021/2.0)‏ Training specialists working on vocational rehabilitation field by a teaching material promoting self-study and info-communicational equipments (HEFOP-2.2.1-06/1-2006-12-0030/4.0)‏

10 Thank you for your attention! Mrs. József Füzessy Chief executive officer Regional Social Resource Centre Kht.

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