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American Imperialism Trying to stretch our power around the world.

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1 American Imperialism Trying to stretch our power around the world

2 The Spanish-American War The Beginnings America using Manifest Destiny of Monroe Doctrine to try and take control of Caribbean from European nations (Spain) During a Cuban revolution attempt, the US sent the USS Maine, which was destroyed Spanish blamed in NY papers, in a strategy called: yellow journalism

3 War was fought on two different fronts/arenas: Cuba and the Philippines US demanded Cuba’s independence, but Spain refuses and war begins April 25, 1898

4 War in the Philippines Was home to a Spanish naval base from which any help to Cuba would come from Allied with the Philippine rebel Emilio Aguinaldo Teddy R. gave orders for Commodore Dewey to attack on word of war ▫He was the Naval Secretary at this time May 1, 1898, Dewey attacked at Manila Bay and defeats Spain easily. Aguinaldo and his men surrounded the capital city

5 War in Cuba Teller Amendment: If Cuba declared free, the US would protect them until they were strong enough to rule themselves ▫Very similar to Iraq today. Victory in Cuba much tougher, troops not well supplied Rough Riders (cavalry unit led by T.R.) and buffalo soldiers (Af. Am cavalry unit) led the way to a US victory in Cuba

6 Cuba Cont… Battle of San Juan Hill: defining battle where Teddy Roosevelt led both cavalry units to victory Platt Amendment: Cuba could make no treaties with other countries and had to have a US Naval Base ▫ Buffalo Soldier: o o

7 Consequences US gained Cuba, Puerto Rico, Guam and the Philippines for $20 Million Cost the US 2,000 men and $250 Million to fight Big Picture: US became an imperialistic nation. Used its military to gain control over lands for militaristic, economic, & idealistic reasons

8 Panama Canal Teddy Roosevelt wanted to take control of Panama to make a canal to get from Pacific to Atlantic Would be a massive project Helped fund a revolution in Panama to be able to take the land

9 Building the Ditch Horrible conditions: bad water, disease, extreme heat and a tough job. Used dynamite to blow through mountains Finished in 1914, and US owned the land until 2000

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