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Emperor penguins By Julia Hanlon. Animal Facts Description Am Emperor penguin Colors are yellow, orange, black, white, gray and a very dark blue. And.

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Presentation on theme: "Emperor penguins By Julia Hanlon. Animal Facts Description Am Emperor penguin Colors are yellow, orange, black, white, gray and a very dark blue. And."— Presentation transcript:

1 Emperor penguins By Julia Hanlon

2 Animal Facts Description Am Emperor penguin Colors are yellow, orange, black, white, gray and a very dark blue. And a Emperor penguin inches are 45 A pic showing your animal. Movement An Emperor penguin moves by crawling and walking and when an emperor penguin wants to move fast it gets on its belly and slides on the ice or snow. Diet Its diet is a carnivore because it eats fish.

3 Habitat 1)An Emperor penguin lives in Antarctica. 2)Its habitat is very cold, slippery, cloudy and it is freezing there. 3)Emperor penguins feed on fish, krill and squid witch they catch on dives that are longer and deeper than any other penguin or bird species Map showing where your animal lives Picture showing your animal in its habitat.

4 Life Cycle Emperor penguin babies are born from little eggs and the mom takes care of the baby while the dad goes and gets fish to eat A picture of the animal as a baby or young. A picture of the animal as a grown/ mature animal. An adult looks like 1 or 2 more feet than a baby so adult Emperor penguin

5 Animal Interactions It protects itself by biting other penguins with is sharp beak to be safe. And an Emperor penguins prey is a whale Pic of animal adaptation that allows it to protect itself An Emperor penguin communicates with other penguins by nibbling with its beak. And a whale is its predator. Pic of enemy, predator, prey, etc.

6 Interesting Facts Fact number # 1 An Emperor penguin loses its old feathers the fluffy ones as new ones grow in underneath. A pic to accompany fact #1 Fact number #3 All the Emperor penguins are near threatened. Fact number #2 An Emperor penguin weighs 88lbs. A pic to accompany fact #2 A pic to accompany fact #3

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