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WP7 Objective: “Prove the design of a mooring incorporating a submersible winch capable of producing surface ocean CO 2 and biogeochemistry data “

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Presentation on theme: "WP7 Objective: “Prove the design of a mooring incorporating a submersible winch capable of producing surface ocean CO 2 and biogeochemistry data “"— Presentation transcript:

1 WP7 Objective: “Prove the design of a mooring incorporating a submersible winch capable of producing surface ocean CO 2 and biogeochemistry data “


3 ANIMATE Real time data transmission of CTD at 10 depths over top 1000m Near-surface CO 2 Near-surface nutrients Fluorescence and beam attenuation Up & down looking ADCP at 150m Deep ocean particle flux Data enter the public domain immediately: www// * *

4 The Deep ocean Eulerian observatories of Europe

5 SAMI sensor July 2005 after 12 months at PAP

6 Kortzinger et al

7 Sensor depth at PAP in 2003

8 Kortzinger et al

9 Shortcomings of fixed moored systems: 1.Difficult to obtain near surface data. 2.Knockdown is sometimes a serious problem. 3.Profiles are not obtained. 4.Biofouling.

10 The SeaCycler collaboration: EU-Carboocean, Scripps Inst, Bedford inst., Canada, Brook Ocean Technology, Canada.


12 Winch float Sensor float Communication float

13 SeaCycler Winch Float

14 SeaCycler sensor float

15 CommFloat 1.0m SeaCycler Communications float

16 Development areas: 1.Winch float 2.Sensor float 3.Comms float 4.Control and command system 5.Mooring 6.Sensors

17 Sensors to be used on SeaCycler -CTD & DO (Sea-Bird SBE 52MP with 43F oxygen sensor) - C0 2 (Pro-Oceanus PSI CO 2 -Pro + Sea-Bird 5T pump) - Nutrient (EnviroTech MicroLAB or ISUS optical sensor) - Chlorophyll (WET Labs FLNTUS with Bio-wiper shutter) - Radiation (Biospherical Instruments QSP-2100) - Zooplankton (BOT Laser Optical Plankton Counter)

18 Sensors to be used on SeaCycler -CTD & DO (Sea-Bird SBE 52MP with 43F oxygen sensor) - C0 2 (Pro-Oceanus PSI CO 2 -Pro + Sea-Bird 5T pump) - Nutrient (EnviroTech MicroLAB or ISUS optical sensor) - Chlorophyll (WET Labs FLNTUS with Bio-wiper shutter) - Radiation (Biospherical Instruments QSP-2100) - Zooplankton (BOT Laser Optical Plankton Counter) -pH sensor

19 Pro-Oceanus PSI CO2-Pro

20 C0 2 Data Collected by Icycler75 in April 2006 23 Profiles over 2 Weeks until CTD Flooded Time (minutes) Depth (m) CO 2

21 Trials of “Pro-Oceanus PSI CO2-Pro” from ship surface water supply.

22 Icycler60 Recovered After 24-month Deployment: - 18 Successful Profiles - 697 Attempted Profiles - Every Profile Collects Some Data

23 Corrosion problems

24 Development of the SeaCycler. 1.Construction of prototype 2.Sea trials of prototype system November 2005 3.Sea trials of prototype with sensors December 2005 4.Recovery of sister device “Icycler” after 24 months 5.Further trials of prototype with sensors April 2006 6.Wave tank trials of models June 2006


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