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Multiple Choice  1 hour  40-50 Questions  Lots of reading from various genres, time periods, and mediums  Worth 45% of overall score Essay  2 hours.

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Presentation on theme: "Multiple Choice  1 hour  40-50 Questions  Lots of reading from various genres, time periods, and mediums  Worth 45% of overall score Essay  2 hours."— Presentation transcript:


2 Multiple Choice  1 hour  40-50 Questions  Lots of reading from various genres, time periods, and mediums  Worth 45% of overall score Essay  2 hours  Three prompts › Prose Analysis › Poetry Analysis › Free Response  Worth 55% of your overall score

3  5 extremely well qualified  4well qualified  3 qualified  2 possibly qualified  1no qualified  Who gets them? › You › E-Cubed › Any college you WANT to send them to

4 Literature!?

5  How many books/stories/poems have you read?  Tuesday: Multiple Choice Section  Wednesday: Walk through of Essay Section—choose one to write in class.

6  A Type: 1. You’re the kind of person who likes to plan for a vacation or the prom a year in advance. 2. You’d never think of missing a practice session (sport, musical instrument, activity). 3. You like detailed planning and everything in its place. 4. You feel you must be thoroughly prepared 5. You hate surprises. 6. You’re always early for appointments.

7  B Type: 1. You begin to plan for a vacation or the prom 4-5 months in advance. 2. You are willing to plan ahead so that you will feel comfortable in stressful situations, but you are okay with skipping some details. 3. You feel more comfortable when you know what to expect, but a surprise or two does not floor you. 4. You’re always on time for appointments.

8  C Type: 1. You find a date/outfit for the prom a week in advance. 2. You work best under pressure and tight deadlines. 3. You feel very confident with the skills and background you’ve gained in your classes. 4. You like surprises. 5. You’re always arrive 10-15 minutes late for appointments.

9  Organize yourselves into A, B, & C types  Take a look at your type’s Calendar  Begin to think about who you would like to form a study group with in Semester 2.

10 “Know thyself to control thyself”--- I don’t know who wrote it…I may have just made that up

11  Factual 1. The subject of this passage is…  Technical 1. The style of the passage is…  Analytical 1. The function of the title is to …  Inferential 1. The image of the strawberry suggests…

12  The correct answer a)I am the right one!  A totally ridiculous answer b)I like egg rolls!  Two answers that really are almost the same c)We would be right if we weren’t alike d)If we weren’t the same, we’d be the answer  An answer that is so close to the real answer, but we changed one or two words to make it wrong. e)I was the right one

13  Your expectation level will be realistic  You will be familiar with the language of MCQs  Your understanding of answers will be heightened  Your critical thinking will be honed  You will be building your knowledge base for the Free Response

14  Groups of two read a literary excerpt  Highlight words/phrases that appear to be important to the meaning of the excerpt  Look at the sample questions, answers and rationales  Construct your own. Be sure to explain why your answer is correct.

15  Find a new partner who read the same excerpt  Compare your questions. Pick the best of each type  Create other answer choices (that are wrong)

16  Find a partner who did NOT have the same excerpt as you.  Exchange excerpts and questions  Try them out

17 What do you remember? Chalk Talk!

18 General Knowledge---asks about the whole text (often first): 1. The poem is an example of a… a)Lyric 2. The purpose of the story is to… a)Explain the author’s opinion of strawberries (Answer these after the Hunt and Peck questions)

19  Hunt and Peck--directs you to specific lines or key words: 1. The word “smooth” refers to a)His skin 2. Lines 52-57 serve to a)Reinforce the author’s thesis (answer these first – and how much should you read?)

20  All….Except---requires extra time because it demands you consider every possibility (darn them all to heck!!!) 1. The AP Literature exam is all of the following except: a) In May each year b) Open to high school seniors c) Published in The New York Times d) Used as a qualifier for college credit e) A three hour test

21  Roman Numerals: just plain annoying and time consuming 1. In the poem, “night” refers to I. The death of the maiden II. A pun on Sir Lancelot’s title III. The end of the affair a)I only b)I and II c)I and III d)II and III e)I, II, and III

22 Now it’s your turn!

23 How did YOU do?

24 Factual Technical Analytical Inferential Homework: Complete Question Types Practice

25 Exchange your questions with your partner. Discuss if they are actually factual, technical, analytical, or inferential

26  Prose Analysis---Read the prompt › What are they looking for?  Poetry Analysis—Read the prompt  What are they looking for?  Free Response Essay—Read the prompt  What are they looking for?

27  Math problem!!! › If the AP English Literature Essay section is 2 hours long, and you must write 3 essays, how long should you spend on each essay?  If you said 40 mins—you are correct.

28 Now it’s your turn!

29  1 Thing that surprised you  1 Thing you feel confident about  1 Thing that worries you

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