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HMA-FO ODA, January 2011 HMA Follow-On Task 3 Online Data Access in the frame of ESA's Heterogeneous Missions Accessibility (HMA) initiative Acceptance.

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Presentation on theme: "HMA-FO ODA, January 2011 HMA Follow-On Task 3 Online Data Access in the frame of ESA's Heterogeneous Missions Accessibility (HMA) initiative Acceptance."— Presentation transcript:

1 HMA-FO ODA, January 2011 HMA Follow-On Task 3 Online Data Access in the frame of ESA's Heterogeneous Missions Accessibility (HMA) initiative Acceptance Review 2011-01-27

2 HMA-FO ODA, January 2011 Slide 2 Agenda  Management Overview (EOX)  WCS EO AP Document (JUB, EOX)  WebMapViewer WCS EO AP Client (GIM)  WCS EO AP Server (EOX)  Acceptance testing  Review of Documents, AIs, RIDs

3 HMA-FO ODA, January 2011 Slide 3 Management Agenda  Management Overview (EOX)  Project objectives  Deliverables status  Development status  Open issues

4 HMA-FO ODA, January 2011 Management Overview  Project objectives  Review and update of standards for Online Data Access, in particular Web Coverage Service (WCS)  at KO, change to pending WCS 2.0  WCS Application Profile for EO Data – create Document and related schemas  Abstract Test Suite (ATS) & Executable Test Suite (ETS)  Identify requirements and scenarios addressing Advanced Online Data Access Concepts e.g. widening the WCS specification to include WCS-T (transactional) operations  Extend an Open Source software tool  Demonstrate the proposed specification(s) by setting-up an Open-Source demonstration and test server Slide 4

5 HMA-FO ODA, January 2011 Slide 5 Deliverables Documents – HMA WikiDateStatus DDF-Software User Manual (Client) v.1.0 (DDF-SUM)25.01.2011Delivered DDF-Software User Manual (Server) v.1.0 (DDF-SUM)21.01.2011Delivered DJF-Software Verification Report v.1.1 (DJF-SVR)21.01.2011Delivered DJF-Software Validation Specification v.1.2 (DJF-SVS)21.01.2011Delivered DDF - Software Design Document v.1.0 (DDF-SDD)27.11.2010Final DJF - Software Reuse File v.1.0 (DJF-SRF)27.11.2010Final TS - Software Requirements Specification v.1.2 (TS-SRS)27.11.2010Final RB - Software System Specification v1.4 (RB-SSS)04.11.2010Final Use Cases applied to WCS 2.0 EO AP TN27.10.2010Final RB - Technical Note v1.106.07.2010Final HMA_Specification_Dependencies_(Cros_linking)28.04.2010Final Metadata_requirements_1.0_(RB) Spot Image01.03.2010Final

6 HMA-FO ODA, January 2011 Slide 6 Deliverables Documents – OGCDateStatus OGC 10-140 OGC Web Coverage Service 2.0 Interface Standard - Earth Observation Application Profile v.0.2.0 (2011-01-19) ( 21.01.2011 Delivered to OGC for Review OGC 10-147 WCS 2.0 Format Extension - GeoTIFF v. WCS_2.0 Bundle (  WCS 2.0 Core (OGC 09-110r3)  GML 3.2.1 Application Schema - Coverages (OGC 09-146r1)  WCS 2.0 Extension: KVP protocol (OGC 09-147r1)  WCS 2.0 Extension: XML/POST protocol (OGC 09-148r1)  WCS 2.0 Extension: SOAP protocol (OGC 09-149r1)  …plus 20 XML schema & example files 04.11.2010 (passed 18.08.2010) Adopted WCS 2.0 Overview: Core and Extensions (Best Practice) (OGC 09-153) 04.11.2010Draft

7 HMA-FO ODA, January 2011 Slide 7 Developments SoftwareStatus EOxServer v0.1.0 (WCS EO AP) Software bundle (download – 25.01.2011 WebMapViewer WCS EO AP enabled Client (GIM)25.01.2011 WCS 2.0 MapServer extension (Ticket #3595, 01.11.2010, (download – 06.01.2011

8 HMA-FO ODA, January 2011 Slide 8 EOxServer  P ublication of the developed WCS 2.0 EO AP server software as OpenSource, under the new branding  (available at )  Used license – Gnu GPL 3.0  This side provides:  Read access to Subversion development repository (incl. trunk, releases)  Issue tracker  Wiki

9 HMA-FO ODA, January 2011 Slide 9 Open Issues  Propose to upload EOxServer releases to the HMA-Wiki directly Additional external Code Repository needed ?  Installation of the Demonstration Server at ESA within a virtual machine  running CentOS has been found to be very problematic  Clarification of sample datasets to use:  EOxServer Open Source releases ?  Demonstration Server at ESA ?

10 HMA-FO ODA, January 2011 Slide 10 Agenda  Management Overview (EOX)  WCS EO AP Document (JUB, EOX)  WebMapViewer WCS EO AP Client (GIM)  WCS EO AP Server (EOX)  Acceptance testing  Review of Documents, AIs, RIDs

11 HMA-FO ODA, January 2011 Slide 11 Agenda  Management Overview (EOX)  WCS EO AP Document (JUB, EOX)  WebMapViewer WCS EO AP Client (GIM)  WCS EO AP Server (EOX)  Acceptance testing  Review of Documents, AIs, RIDs

12 HMA-FO ODA, January 2011 Slide 12 Concept Concept

13 HMA-FO ODA, January 2011 Slide 13 Concept Concept

14 HMA-FO ODA, January 2011 EOxServer Implementation   WCS 2.0 MapServer extension, Ticket #3595, Slide 14

15 HMA-FO ODA, January 2011 Slide 15 Implementation Implementation

16 HMA-FO ODA, January 2011 Slide 16 Concept Concept

17 HMA-FO ODA, January 2011 Slide 17 Agenda  Management Overview (EOX)  WCS EO AP Document (JUB, EOX)  WebMapViewer WCS EO AP Client (GIM)  WCS EO AP Server (EOX)  Acceptance testing  Review of Documents, AIs, RIDs

18 HMA-FO ODA, January 2011 Slide 18 Test-instances Test-instances  Plain WCS 2.0 implementation only  EOxServer (WCS 2.0 EO AP) – all Dataset types  EOxServer (WCS 2.0 EO AP) – StichtedMosaic only  EOxServer (WCS 2.0 EO AP) – latest changes applied  Access to Testinstances is estriced to certain IP addresses only

19 HMA-FO ODA, January 2011 Test Results Slide 19 Test ProcedureRequest #ResultStatus Testing: GetCapabilities Request TP_010_010Request #1a(-->01_TP_010_010-1a.xml):PASSED TP_010_010Request #1b(-->02_TP_010_010-1b.xml):PASSED TP_010_010Request #2a(-->03_TP_010_010-2a.txt):PASSED TP_010_010Request #2b(-->04_TP_010_010-2b.xml):PASSED TP_010_010Request #3(-->05_TP_010_010-3.xml):PASSED TP_010_010Request #4(-->06_TP_010_010-4.xmll):PASSED TP_010_010Request #5(-->07_TP_010_010-5.xml):PASSED Testing: DescribeCoverage Request TP_010_020Request #1(-->08_TP_010_020-1.xml):PASSED TP_010_020Request #2(-->09_TP_010_020-2.xml):PASSED TP_010_020Request #3(-->10_TP_010_020-3.xml):PASSED TP_010_020Request #4(-->11_TP_010_020-4.xml):PASSED A total of 59 Test Procedures are evaluated

20 HMA-FO ODA, January 2011 Test Results Slide 20 Test ProcedureRequest #ResultStatus Testing: DescribeEOCoverageSet Request TP_010_030Request #1(-->12_TP_010_030-1.xml):PASSED TP_010_030Request #2(-->13_TP_010_030-2.xml):PASSED TP_010_030Request #3(-->14_TP_010_030-3.xml):PASSED TP_010_030Request #4(-->15_TP_010_030-4.xml):PASSED TP_010_030Request #5(-->16_TP_010_030-5.xml):PASSED TP_010_030Request #6(-->17_TP_010_030-6.xml):PASSED TP_010_030Request #7(-->18_TP_010_030-7.xml):PASSED TP_010_030Request #8(-->19_TP_010_030-8.xml):PASSED TP_010_030Request #9(-->20_TP_010_030-9.xml):PASSED TP_010_030Request #10(-->21_TP_010_030-10.xml):PASSED TP_010_030Request #11(-->22_TP_010_030-11.xm):PASSED TP_010_030Request #12(-->23_TP_010_030-12.xml):PASSED TP_010_030Request #13(-->24_TP_010_030-13.xml):PASSED TP_010_030Request #14(-->25_TP_010_030-14.xml):PASSED TP_010_030Request #15(-->26_TP_010_030-15.xm):PASSED TP_010_030Request #16(-->27_TP_010_030-16.xml):PASSED

21 HMA-FO ODA, January 2011 Test Results Slide 21 Test ProcedureRequest #ResultStatus Testing: GetCoverageRequest TP_010_040Request #1(-->28_TP_010_040-1.xml):PASSED TP_010_040Request #2(-->29_TP_010_040-2.xml):PASSED TP_010_040Request #3(-->30_TP_010_040-3.xml):PASSED TP_010_040Request #4(-->31_TP_010_040-4.tif):PASSED TP_010_040Request #5(-->32_TP_010_040-5.tif):PASSED TP_010_040Request #6(-->33_TP_010_040-6.xml):PASSED TP_010_040Request #7(-->34_TP_010_040-7.gml):PASSED TP_010_040Request #8(-->35_TP_010_040-8.gml):PASSED TP_010_040Request #9(-->36_TP_010_040-9.tif):PASSED TP_010_040Request #10(-->37_TP_010_040-10.tif):PASSED TP_010_040Request #11(-->38_TP_010_040-11.gml):PASSED TP_010_040Request #12(-->39_TP_010_040-12.tif):PASSED TP_010_040Request #13(-->40_TP_010_040-13.xml):PASSED TP_010_040Request #14(-->41_TP_010_040-14.tif):PASSED TP_010_040Request #15(-->42_TP_010_040-15.tif):PASSED TP_010_040Request #16(-->43_TP_010_040-16.tif):PASSED

22 HMA-FO ODA, January 2011 Test Results Slide 22 Test ProcedureRequest #ResultStatus Testing: GetCoverageRequest TP_010_040Request #17(-->44_TP_010_040-17.xml):PASSED TP_010_040Request #18(-->45_TP_010_040-18.htm):PASSED TP_010_040Request #19(-->46_TP_010_040-19.tif):PASSED TP_010_040Request #20(-->47_TP_010_040-20.tif):PASSED TP_010_040Request #21(-->48_TP_010_040-21.tif):PASSED TP_010_040Request #22(-->49_TP_010_040-22.tif):PASSED TP_010_040Request #23(-->50_TP_010_040-23.xml):PASSED TP_010_040Request #24(-->51_TP_010_040-24.tif):PASSED TP_010_040Request #25(-->52_TP_010_040-25.tif):PASSED TP_010_040Request #26(-->53_TP_010_040-26.tif):PASSED TP_010_040Request #27(-->54_TP_010_040-27.tif):PASSED TP_010_040Request #28(-->55_TP_010_040-28.xml):PASSED TP_010_040Request #29(-->56_TP_010_040-29.tif):PASSED TP_010_040Request #30(-->57_TP_010_040-30.tif):PASSED TP_010_040Request #31(-->58_TP_010_040-31.tif):PASSED TP_010_040Request #32(-->59_TP_010_040-32.xml):PASSED

23 HMA-FO ODA, January 2011 Slide 23 Agenda  Management Overview (EOX)  WCS EO AP Document (JUB, EOX)  WebMapViewer WCS EO AP Client (GIM)  WCS EO AP Server (EOX)  Acceptance testing  Review of Documents, AIs, RIDs

24 HMA-FO ODA, January 2011 Doc-Review, AIs, RIDs Slide 24 Event/ Created Action itemDescriptionStatus KO-Meeting 2009-06-24A3cdeliver on Wiki sample data and metadata Open KO-Meeting 2009-06-24A4c install reference implementation on ESA server for permanent availability Open KO-Meeting 2009-06-24A5cIdentify hosting requirements for installation at ESA Partly Meeting 2009-09-18 A4Which information model, which formats to adopt? Constrain WCS metadatata to what is relevant for WCS and include link to catalogue. WCS EO Application Profile: Maybe European label is easier but we should go for an EO label. Partly PR 2010-02-03 /HMAFO- MOM-0003- SPBA23/4 ESA (Jolyon) still missing the picture and the high level use cases related to collections, products, etc. and how the coverage and associated services/extensions fit in. I do not believe we can put 20 years ATSR data on a single server. Partly Telecon 2010-03-26A4 search, identify, convince candidates for writing Documents -- > place into Risk matrix. Partly

25 HMA-FO ODA, January 2011 Contacts  EOX IT Services GmbH, Austria (Prime)  G.I.M. Geographic Information Management nv/sa, Belgium  Jacobs University Bremen gGmbH, Germany  Spot Image SA, France

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