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Strengthening Citizen Feedback in the Kenyan Urban Water Sector Rosemary Rop, Maximilian Hirn, Anthony Nyaga The Water and Sanitation Program.

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Presentation on theme: "Strengthening Citizen Feedback in the Kenyan Urban Water Sector Rosemary Rop, Maximilian Hirn, Anthony Nyaga The Water and Sanitation Program."— Presentation transcript:

1 Strengthening Citizen Feedback in the Kenyan Urban Water Sector Rosemary Rop, Maximilian Hirn, Anthony Nyaga The Water and Sanitation Program

2 Kenya's 35+ million water consumers lack an efficient way to air their complaints Kenyan Regulator lacks efficient way of keeping track of water utilities’ performance How to bridge the gap ? Mobile-to-web technology Possible in Kenya due to very high mobile phone usage! The Gap

3 A central web portal orders, tracks and escalates complaints Customers submit feedback to portal with basic mobile phones Regulator monitors feedback & acts on persistent problems through portal Utilities receive and resolve complaints; feedback online; citizen reps (WAGs) monitor process The Innovation

4 Progress to date Local talent developed prototype in Hackathon competition Prototype turned into a full technical proposal Finance from World Bank Innovation Fund Team hired, started working Prototype Ready Pilot in 4 Cities by April 2012 Nationwide rollout by 3 rd Quarter, FY12 Full backing from regulator, Water Utilities & partners in the industry

5 Potential Impact Improved water access; faster response to bursts, water theft, billing, quality and (re) connection issues Improved supervision of front line staff by management; improved pro-poor orientation for citizens using kiosks Improved regulatory oversight and sector performance  Model for similar sectors and countries

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