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Medieval Europe Vocabulary Mrs. Watson Kraemer Middle School.

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1 Medieval Europe Vocabulary Mrs. Watson Kraemer Middle School

2 1. Apprentice – noun, person A person learning an art or trade; a beginner, learner; one bound by a legal agreement to work in exchange for instruction. 2. Chivalry – noun, thing the rules and customs of knights in the Middle Ages, including the qualities of bravery, honor, fairness, courtesy & protecting the weak. 3. Clergy – noun, plural, group of people a group of people ordained for religious service; for example: priests, monks, nuns are members of the clergy (group). An individual is a clergyman or clergywoman.

3 4. Crusade – noun, thing Any of the military campaigns taken by the European Christians to win control of the Holy Land from the Muslims (1100 – 1400 AD). 5. Excommunicate – verb, action To take away one’s membership in the Church; to prohibit participation in Church rites. 6. Feudalism – noun, thing a system in which large landholders gave protection in exchange for land and/or service. Political system; economic system.

4 7. Fief – noun, thing A large estate (land), especially in medieval Europe; given to a noble by a king. 8. Guild – noun, thing A group or association of trades people, including merchants, craftsmen or artisans who set rules or restrictions on practicing their trade, as a way to control business. 9. Hierarchy – noun, thing A structure to organize or classify groups of people; usually by rank or authority. For example, a social pyramid shows the hierarchy of people in society.

5 10. Infidel -- noun, person A person who is considered to be a “non-believer” of a religion. Ex: Muslims considered Christians to be infidels; Christians considered Muslims to be infidels. 11. Lord – noun, person A member of a privileged class of society who has inherited wealth and high social position; someone who protects a vassal in a feudal relationship. Synonyms: noble, aristocrat. 12. Knight – noun, person A warrior of the Middle Ages, raised to an honorable military rank & pledged to do good deeds.

6 13. manor – noun, thing A feudal estate owned by a lord and including resources to be self-sufficient to provide for the needs of all people living there. 14. plague – noun, thing (disease) A disease that spreads quickly & kills many people; in the Middle Ages, refers to the Bubonic & Pneumonic Plague, which killed up to ½ of the total population of Europe. 15. pope – noun, person In the Middle Ages, the supreme head of the Christian Church & leader of all Christians.

7 16. schism – noun, thing A split within the Church, causing division into two different groups (ie. The Roman Catholic Church & Eastern Orthodox Church). 17. Serf – noun, person A member of the lowest class of feudal society, bound to the land and landowner, not free to leave. 18. Vassal – noun, person A person who receives land and protection from a feudal lord in return for loyalty & service.

8 apprentice

9 chivalry

10 clergy

11 Crusades

12 church/images/Church%20in %20Spring.jpg

13 feudalism I protect you and give you land or a place to live. I am loyal to you and serve you in return. trade

14 fief The king divides his lands into many fiefs for his nobles.

15 bee-keeperspotters falconers scribes shipwrights bakers guilds

16 hierarchy king nobles knights serfs

17 ois=acf7aa537392c7623d75fe55122637ebfbcc1e2c&type=d etail_view&select=no&DisplayMainMenu=No _uois=40b90bc5b3d24bba89ba87b2c9c38ef7138c999d&ty pe=detail_view&select=no&DisplayMainMenu=No lord, noble

18 Weapons/images/Knight-on-Horseback.jpg knight 814fc2b3398bdccd605a93251c4704bc18a5058&type=detail_view &select=no&DisplayMainMenu=No

19 manor


21 pope

22 Catholic_Church_in_Old_Town_Piestany.jpg schism http://www.moc-stmary- Components/Photo_StoryLevel/08013 1/080131-pope-benedict-vmed- 10a.widec.jpg


24 vassal working for his lord, in exchange for protection…

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