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Revising For GCSE Language Exams Year 11 Unit 2 (Writing)

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1 Revising For GCSE Language Exams Year 11 Unit 2 (Writing)

2 Assessment For Learning What are the features of the purposes of writing you will find in the exams?

3 Group Work – What are some typical things you expect to find when you are reading something for a particular purpose? Persuade/Argue Advise Analyse Describe Inform

4 Writing To Persuade/Argue Fact (Objective) and Opinion (Subjective) Repetition and Magic Three Comparatives, Superlatives and Exaggeration Rhetorical Questions. Figurative language (similes and metaphors) Emotive language Paragraphing and subheadings may certainly be used to separate arguments by point

5 Writing To Advise What do we know about Writing To Advise? -Use words like........ always, never (for your orders) -Don’t just have orders – use modal verbs! (ought, should, could, can, should, might) -You could even use subheadings if appropriate -You could even use rhetorical questions -Remember advice should always be friendly and relevant -Paragraphing and subheadings will almost certainly be used to separate information by point/topic

6 Writing To Analyse Objective approach Breaks an issue/event down into smaller topics and explains reasons Goes into detail about these topics explores different points of view evenly Paragraphing will almost certainly be used to separate topics that are being analysed The most ‘free’ writing purpose of them all

7 Writing To Describe Lots of SIMILES and METAPHORS; frequent ADJECTIVES and ADVERBS; regular CLAUSES (to expand the potential of the sentence); a broad VOCABULARY. may use the five senses Paragraphing will almost certainly be used to separate descriptions of different aspects

8 Writing To Inform May contain lots of facts around specific topic Will use lots of adjectives and adverbs Paragraphing and subheadings will almost certainly be used to separate information by topic

9 Writing is constructing something that you want someone else to read! What are you writing? What is your purpose? Who is your audience? What words/phrases can you use to achieve your purpose? How are you going to present your work?

10 Standard Writing You must remember these in your writing as standard: –Words/phrases for the effect you want –Accurate spelling –Sentence variety –Punctuation variety –Separated ideas for your response You can remember this as WASPS! They should be buzzing all over your writing and stinging the examiner into giving you marks!

11 Flowchart for constructing Writing Work out PALL of your writing Plan paragraph topics Remember WASPS Write introduction Write main body (burger) Write conclusion Review WASPS Check time

12 Unit 2 (Section B) 15. Write an article for a travel magazine in which you analyse and comment on the advantages and disadvantages of travelling by train.

13 Past Question (Writing To Analyse) Britain’s railroads run through the country like arteries, carrying people around whether for business or pleasure since the industrial revolution in the early 19 th century. In the twenty-first century, trains are still as popular as ever but train travel does have it’s advantages and disadvantages too. To conclude, rail travel remains popular in the twenty- first century, providing advantages for some people with disadvantages for others. Paragraph Plan AdvantagesDisadvantages

14 Plenary What have we learned today individually and as a class? What are WASPS? How can you use PALL when writing?

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