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Presentation on theme: "COOL WATER SCIENCE By : Brent Nguyen. A WORM IN MY FOOT?"— Presentation transcript:

1 COOL WATER SCIENCE By : Brent Nguyen


3 QUESTION  I investigated ways to clean water. Like, gravel, sand, and active carbon. I test that the filter cleans muddy water, coke, and tea. I hypothesized if the filter would clean the liquids.

4 MATERIALS  Green Science Clean Water Kit  3 Bowls  1 Box of plastic spoons  Liquid Measuring Cup  Small bowl of Garden Dirt  Vegetable Oil ¼ cup  Medicine dropper  Plastic cups  Permanent Mark  Plastic wrap  Tea kettle  1 mug  Tea bag  Kitchen timer  Cola soda pop  Lab notebook  Graph pape r

5 METHOD 1. Assemble water filter with sand, gravel, and active carbon packets 2. Put garden dirt in a cup of water 3. Mix the garden dirt with a spoon 4. Put the muddy water in the filter. 5. Take pictures 7: Re peat with tea and coke.

6 OBSERVATION We poured the muddy water into the filter, then we waited for about 2 minutes to observe the water at the bottom. The water had been cleaned by the filter. It was clear and clean and not muddy any more.

7 FILTERING COKE  The coke went through the filter sections to the bottom of the filter.  The coke was as clear as the filtered water.

8 FILTERING WITH TEA The Tea was mostly clean, but not as clean as the water and the coke.

9 HOW CLEAN DID EACH TRIAL GET? LiquidsClarity at Start Trial 1Trial 2Trial 3 Muddy Water 7111 Soda8222 Tea7333

10 I LEARNED …  I learned that sand and gravel can clean water by trapping suspended dirt, and small bug organisms.  The, liquids get cleaned by the natural living organisms in the filters which purify water.

11 MY STUDY IS IMPORTANT…  My study about how to clean water is important because many 3rd world countries in Africa do not have clean water. Dirty water spreads diseases that kill people.  One disease that kills people called, …. Is produced by the Guinnea Worm. A Guinnea worm is a type of parasite that goes into your body and can take up to a month to get out. It comes out through your skin and causes fevers, nausea, and chills.

12 GETTING RID OF THE GUINNEA WORM  In 1986, there were 3.5 million reported cases of Guinnea worm disease across 21 countries.

13 WATER FILTERS PREVENT DISEASES Water must be filtered, in order to remove the copepods (water fleas) that carry the parasitic larvae of the Guinea worm.

14 THE CARTER CENTER INIATIVE  Former President Jimmy Carter began sending water filters to these poor countries in 1986.  In 2012 there were only 542 reported cases of Gunnnea worm disease.  This is the one of the only worldwide diseases to be eradicated without antibiotics.

15 TODAY …  As of 4-30-13 there are only 5 reported cases for 2013.

16 YOU CAN DONATE  … to this water filter program!  Just go to


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