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Foul water lab Your objective--------- is to clean up a sample of foul water, producing as much “clean water” as possible, to a point where it could be.

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Presentation on theme: "Foul water lab Your objective--------- is to clean up a sample of foul water, producing as much “clean water” as possible, to a point where it could be."— Presentation transcript:

1 Foul water lab Your objective is to clean up a sample of foul water, producing as much “clean water” as possible, to a point where it could be used for hand-washing. (Caution: Do not test any water samples by drinking or

2 Materials Measuring cylinder Erlenmeyer flask Ring stand Funnel
Filter paper Glass rod Pipette Disposable cup Paper clip Sand gravel

3 Precautions foul water lab
Follow all lab safety rules Protect eyes and skin No horse play Know the procedure for the lab before starting Report accidents and broken glass will be disposed off by the teacher Wash the graduated or measuring cylinder after each purification

4 Precautions foul water lab continued
Check for any broken or chipped equipment. If any of your equipment is dirty please clean it with soap and water. Do not pour any sand or gravel into the sink!) Waft to smell Do not taste the cleaned and purified water Wash your hands with soap and water at the end of the experiment

5 Oil separation Allow the sample of water to sit in the graduated cylinder for a minute before removing the oil Dispose of the oil in the container provided by the teacher

6 Sand Filtration Add pre-moistened gravel and sand layers to the cup as shown in Figure 1.6 in your textbook Gently pour the sample to be filtered into the cup. Catch the filtrate in a beaker as it drains through. Dispose of the used sand and gravel in the trash can (Caution: Do not pour any sand or gravel into the sink!) Observe the properties of the filtered water sample and measure its volume. Record your results. Save the filtered water sample for the next procedure.

7 Gravel ss Moistened Sand Gravel Use a paper clip to make a hole

8 Charcoal Adsorption Teacher will add charcoal to the filtered water
Stir filter 1.

9 Post lab data anlaysis

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