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UNIT 7: Studying & Building Memories AP Psychology.

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1 UNIT 7: Studying & Building Memories AP Psychology


3 Thinking, memory, problem-solving, decision-making, acquistion of learning = MENTAL PROCESS OF LEARNING! A. Tolman and Kohler believed that between a stimulus and response, there are mediators Cognitive Approach to Memory

4 1.Tolman: 2.Kohler: Tolman & Kohler

5 Involves three steps : 1. Encoding 2.Storage 3.Retrieval Memory Models: Information Processing

6 ENCODING Definition : HOW ? Translating info into some form that enables it to enter our memory system 2 Types: 1.Effortful Processing: 2.Automatic Processing: incidenta l info you record for no real reason: sequence of days events, where a term was on a page, frequency of seeing someone. Happens without our awareness. -> implicit memories. Retention without conscious recollection Ebbinghaus: study of memory; said that learning meaningful material easier than nonsense; amount remembered depends on time spent learning! -Our dual-track brain processes many things simultaneously by means of ….. Encoding

7 STORAGE What is it? Storage

8 III. LEARNING Gathering of information and organizing it into mental schema to send to memory 1.SENSORY MEMORY 2.SHORT TERM MEMORY 3.LONG TERM MEMORY Types of Memory

9 SENSORY MEMORY “ THE GATEKEEPER” Definition : If we don’t send it to STM, quickly fades THE MORE SENSES YOU USE, BETTER TO REMEMBER! Vision will win in a fight between senses! Semantic Encoding : attach a meaning Acoustic Encoding : Echoic Memory: Visual Encoding: Iconic Memory: Selective Attention : what we zoom in on…. Cocktail Party Effect Sensory Memory: “The Gatekeeper”

10 SHORT TERM MEMORY “PUT IN FRONT OF YOUR MIND” Definition: 1.Sensory sends here as “of possible interest” 2.Must be rehearsed to get it to LTM or associated with something known as “ cue dependent” coding; if not, it is displaced. Holds a few items briefly I.E. Why we can’t remember what happens in accident? 3.Studies show we can hold … Help with new info-> CHUNKING: Organizing material into familiar, meaningful units can help in STM. MNEMONICS: Short Term Memory

11 LONG TERM MEMORY Definition: -STM may pass to LTM - Tulving: A Canadian psychologist stated there are three types of long term memory… today considered to be five… aka memory lanes 1.PROCEDURAL How to information 2.SEMANTIC General knowledge of world 3.EPISODIC 4.AUTOMATIC 5.EMOTIONAL Long Term Memory

12 LONG TERM MEMORY Spacing Effect: the tendency for distributed study or practice to yield better long-term retention that is achieved through massed study or practice. Spaced study Testing Effect: Better than occasional rehearsal or cramming Distributed Practice

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