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What does this advert suggest about children’s behaviour?

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Presentation on theme: "What does this advert suggest about children’s behaviour?"— Presentation transcript:

1 What does this advert suggest about children’s behaviour?

2 Today’s session You will learn how to...You will learn about... Describe and apply psychological approaches & theories Consider the relationship between an approach and its methods Compare and distinguish between approaches Social learning theory Research by Bandura (1965)

3 Behaviourism SR Behaviourists aren’t interested in what happens in between S and R. They don’t think you need to know.

4 Social learning theory SRO Social Learning Theorists say that things take place within the organism that mediate between S and R. You do need to know about the person’s mental processes.

5 Social learning theory Agrees with behaviourist learning theories – Classical conditioning – Operant conditioning Adds two important ideas: – Mediating processes between stimuli & responses – Observational learning

6 Bandura (1965)

7 Social learning theory Attention Encoding ImitationMotivation A person pays attention to someone else’s behaviour They memorise the behaviour they have observed They practice the behaviour themselves Given a reason, they may use it

8 Social learning theory Observation Model & modelling Imitation Reinforcement & punishment Vicarious reinforcement & punishment

9 Bandura (1965) Aims and conclusions External validity Internal validity Ethical issues

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