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Using to create a Tutor Group Turn on speakers for commentary Click to continue.

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2 Using to create a Tutor Group Turn on speakers for commentary Click to continue

3 Access ProMonitor from Staff Intranet, or Contact Quality and Standards if you don’t know your username and password

4 grey ProMonitor - Home Page (with grey menus ) Create Your Tutor Group Find your timetabled student groups (classes) here Search for a Course or Student Group (class) on search then courses 2.enter first part of course code Search for a Course or Student Group (class) on search then courses 2.enter first part of course code

5 grey ProMonitor - Home Page (with grey menus ) Create Your Tutor Group Search for a Course or Student Group (class) on search then courses 2.enter first part of course code Search for a Course or Student Group (class) on search then courses 2.enter first part of course code select the student group you wish make your tutor group OR create a new tutor group (manually)

6 ProMonitor Student Group Screen (with purple menus) Create Your Tutor Group Select Create Tutor Group to make this class your Tutor group

7 Create Tutor Group ProMonitor Student Group Screen (with purple menus) Create your tutor group from existing group

8 Create Tutor Group ProMonitor Student Group Screen (with purple menus) Create your tutor group from existing group

9 Create Tutor Group ProMonitor Student Group Screen (with purple menus) Create your tutor group from existing group ProMonitor - Tutor Group Page (with light green menus

10 ProMonitor - Home Page (with grey/silver menus) Create Tutor Group Create your tutor group from new OR

11 ProMonitor - Tutor Group Page (with light green menus) Create Tutor Group Create your tutor group from new

12 ProMonitor - Tutor Group Page (with light green menus) Create Tutor Group Create your tutor group from new

13 ProMonitor - Tutor Group Page (with light green menus) Create Tutor Group Create your tutor group from new

14 Create Tutor Group Create your tutor group from new

15 Create Tutor Group Create your tutor group from new

16 Create Tutor Group Create your tutor group from new

17 Edit Tutor Group Tutor Group Membership can be edited here

18 Tutor Group Details

19 Things to remember! Students can see all of this so.... be careful ! It is almost impossible to delete something on here once it's been generally need to untick it or select “Do Not Use”. Further training will be available in throughout 2013/14. - Use of Markbooks to add grades and comments - Use of ProMonitor with STEPs - Producing reports for parents/employers There will be ongoing support throughout 2013/14.

20 Thank you... please contact the Quality and Standards office on ext 2764 if you are having problems using the system or the IT helpdesk for any technical issues.

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