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Congress of Vienna November 1814-June 1815 Age of Metternich.

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Presentation on theme: "Congress of Vienna November 1814-June 1815 Age of Metternich."— Presentation transcript:

1 Congress of Vienna November 1814-June 1815 Age of Metternich

2 Europe in 1812

3 Coin Commemorating the opening of the Congress of Vienna

4 The “Host” Metternich Austria Foreign Minister, Castlereagh Britain King Frederick William III Prussia Foreign Minister Talleyrand France Tsar Alexander I Russia

5 Main Objectives Undo everything that Napoleon had done- Reduce France to its old boundaries Rule of legitimacy Compensate those countries who suffered the most Balance of Power People had no voice National groups denied independence and unity

6 Key Principles Established Balance of Power Legitimacy Compensation Coalition forces would occupy France for 3-5 Years France would pay indemnity of 700 million francs

7  France was deprived of all territory conquered by Napoleon.  A Germanic Confederation of 30+ states (including Prussia) was created from the previous 300, under Austrian rule.

8  The neutrality of Switzerland was guaranteed.  Britain was given Cape Colony, South Africa, and various other colonies in Africa and Asia.  The slave trade was condemned (at British urging).


10 Concert of Europe Alliance System Nations would help each other if revolutions broke out

11 I, Napoleon, brought a problem to Europe. I overthrew all the kings and placed my family members on the throne!

12 How did the Congress of Vienna and Metternich solve the problem? Legitimacy!!! The original monarchs are put back on the throne.

13 I also made another mistake. I was power hungry and my fellow French citizens had strong feelings of nationalism. Surrounding nations saw this as a threat.

14 How did the Congress of Vienna and Metternich fix the problem? Made countries around France that were once weaker…STRONGER!!!!!

15 France was seen as a threat to other countries. They were afraid that I would conquer them and when I did, I had ALL the power

16 How did the Congress of Vienna and Metternich fix the problem? No country in Europe could easily overpower another.

17 What was the Legacy of the Congress of Vienna?

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