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Village of Naples and Hazlitt 1852 Vineyards Sewer Feasibility Study.

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Presentation on theme: "Village of Naples and Hazlitt 1852 Vineyards Sewer Feasibility Study."— Presentation transcript:

1 Village of Naples and Hazlitt 1852 Vineyards Sewer Feasibility Study

2 Scope of Services The consultant will thoroughly evaluate the various collection systems for the Main Street area (including the school district properties) of the Village to determine the most appropriate collection system from both the short and long term installation/operation and maintenance cost perspective (including total lifecycle cost). The collection systems to be evaluated include: gravity/pump station, vacuum, STEP (septic tank effluent pump systems) and Environment One type grinder pump systems. Environment One and AirVac have both been contacted and will be providing a design and cost estimate utilizing their in-house software. Other appropriate systems may be evaluated and combinations of these systems may be evaluated to fit the needs of this area of the Village. In addition, the collection system must allow for future expansion into other areas of the Village.

3 Gravity Sewer/Pump Station

4 Septic Tank Effluent Pump System

5 Environment One- Grinder Pump Systems

6 Vacuum Type Systems

7 Scope of Services Cont. The consultant will also further refine the ultimate land area and parcels encompassing the collection system district (see cover page for approximate boundary) using the available LiDAR and raw survey data owned by the Village. Parcels and land area will be included based on the ease and cost of accessing the collection system, potential economic benefit to the community and cost effectively reaching the 50% residential user threshold for USDA, CDBG and EFC funding. The Village has water use figures for all parcels within the possible collection system district as well as other areas of the village where future expansion of the collection system may be considered.

8 Scope of Services Cont. The consultant will provide a plan map for the most appropriate route of the collection system. The consultant will utilize LiDAR, the raw survey data (owned by the Village) aerial images and field investigation to determine the most appropriate collection system routes for both sides of Main Street and the overall collection district. Back lots, side streets, Main Street and Main Street ROW are all viable options for the consultant to consider. The consultant will be expected to spend time in the field to assist in determining the most appropriate route for installing the collection system. The consultant will also be able to make a recommendation on whether trenchless pipe installation will work in the predominately gravelly soils of the Village. Steering Committee members will help facilitate these field visits.

9 Scope of Services Cont. The consultant will itemize both capital and O&M costs for the collection system alternatives and include an example rate structure for each system. The Engineering Report must also meet the requirements of the EFC/DEC CWSRF Engineering Planning Grant (see attachment), 10 States Standards and all other requirements to be considered an eligible community on the New York State Intended Use Plan list.

10 Scope of Services Cont. There will be a written evaluation of the Hazlitt Wastewater Treatment Plant by Tim McWilliams (Hazlitt Wastewater operator) and Bill Smith P.E., retired engineer. The report will review the plant’s capacity, SPDES permit requirements and ability to accept wastewater from the Village along with possible upgrades that will need to be factored into a reserve fund for the plant. The consultant will review this evaluation report and identify any issues or information gaps that need to be addressed in this evaluation in order to verify that the plant can handle these additional flows both from a quantity and quality perspective.

11 Scope of Services Cont. The consultant can expect to participate in (3) three public meetings and (6) six working sessions with the Steering Committee. Any meetings will require the consultant to provide visual presentations, photographs and drawings. The consultant should explain their approach to the public and the Village Board in order to receive feedback and build public support for the project.

12 Scope of Services Cont. The consultant will ask for all information that the Village and its partners might have to reduce the cost of the project and provide a more detailed final product. The project partners have a wide array of GIS resources including parcel data and maps, 2 foot LiDAR contours, aerial images, soils, and many other data sets. The Village also has water records, septic system information, and local knowledge of the area.

13 Scope of Services Cont. The consultant will also describe the next steps to move to final design and describe all the necessary information that will be needed to move to final design and installation, e.g., soil borings, cultural resources surveys, environmental review, etc… The Steering Committee and Village Board will be utilizing the Guide to Developing a Municipal Wastewater Project for small rural communities in NYS (2007) and the selected consultant should refer to this document as it goes through the design process and determines the next steps. The consultant will provide seven bound hard copies of the report and map plan and one digital copy of the report in.pdf format

14 Potential Sewer Collection Area South end (Grimes Creek)

15 Core Business Area

16 Mill St. to Dumond St.

17 Academy Street Area

18 Academy to Tobey St. and Hazlitt Winery

19 Main Street and Rt. 245

20 Comparative Sewer Rates

21 Evaluation Factors and Timeframe Major scoring items that the Village will incorporate include: similar projects/related work, experience of personnel, amount of work done in NYS, reputation and quality of work previously performed, experience of project team, proposal evaluation with an emphasis on the technical plan, interview and cost estimate. Anticipated cost should not exceed $20,000 The goal is to have the RFP complete by September 15, 2012 and receive proposals by October 10, 2012. The next phase would be to select the engineer, with the study start date of November 1, 2012 and be complete by May 1, 2013.

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