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Mr. Berringer Health 11 Hackettstown High School.

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1 Mr. Berringer Health 11 Hackettstown High School

2  Is forced oral, anal or vaginal sexual intercourse by someone the person knows and may even have a romantic relationship with.  When a person is forced to have intercourse against her or his will, it is ALWAYS rape or sexual assault, regardless of the circumstances, and it is ILLEGAL!

3 1) One out of 20 high school students has experienced physical abuse in a dating relationship.FALSE

4 2) Rape is the most common violent crime committed on college campuses.TRUE

5 3) While date rape does happen in high schools and colleges, stranger rape happens much more frequently.FALSE

6 4) Sexual violence is most likely to occur to teens in inner city schools.FALSE

7 5) Being drunk and “out of control” is not an excuse for rape and will not help a rapist escape conviction.TRUE

8 6) Having sexual intercourse with a woman after pressuring her to get high or drunk is NOT considered rape.FALSE

9 7) A survivor of acquaintance rape often has further contact, sometimes daily, with the rapist.TRUE

10 8) If a victim of rape gives in and allows sexual intercourse out of fear, that is legally considered “consent” and the rapist cannot be convicted.FALSE

11 9) When rape happens on a date, it is most often because the young woman actually wants to have sex but does not want to admit it for fear of being labeled “promiscuous.”FALSE

12 10) In some states, a man can be convicted of raping his wife if he forces her to have sexual intercourse.TRUE

13 11) Men are never really raped.FALSE

14 12) Women are most likely to be raped when they are out alone in a dangerous place, especially at night.FALSE

15 13) Physical force is used in most rapes.TRUE

16 14) Rape is a crime of violence, not passion – the rapist often does not even ejaculate during the sexual act.TRUE

17 15) Most victims of rape are teens or young adult women.TRUE

18 16) Research shows that one in every 20 women will be raped at some point in her lifetime.FALSE

19 Rapists are using an odorless, colorless, and tasteless weapon to overpower their victims. They are undetectable when hidden in a drink but are potent and destructive.

20 YYou’re at a party, a club or a social event. You’re with people you think you have no reason to fear. Someone secretly drops a drug like these into your drink. When the drug dissolves, it is odorless, colorless, and tasteless. As you consume the drink, the drug takes effect. You are now in a weakened, helpless, or unconscious state. You’re so incapacitated that you can’t escape or resist a rapist, or even call out for help. You are sexually assaulted. When the drug wears off, you may or may not remember what happened or who participated, because the drug often causes amnesia.

21  Most often used as a clear liquid but also comes in capsule and powder forms.  A Synthetic drug that acts as a depressant on the CNS  Can cause intoxication followed by deep sedation, lasting up to 8 hours.  Victims may experience:  Reduced inhibitions  Nausea  Convulsions  Anterograde Amnesia (memory loss for the events following ingestion)  Loss of consciousness  Effects can take place within 15 minutes.

22  Often found in popular clubs and raves due to its potential calming and euphoric effects.  Street Names:  Liquid G  Somatomax  Cherry Meth  Easy Lay  Gamma 10  Grievous Bodily Harm  Georgia Home Boy

23  2 characteristics of GHB make it especially dangerous:  1 st is the “homegrown” variety made by non- professionals. These chemicals are solvents and caustic sodas. There are differences in the purity, concentration, and potency of various batches. The same amount taken from two separate batches can have very different effects.  2 nd is because there is a very narrow margin between the dose for sexual assault and the lethal dose.

24  Usually administered in liquid, table and powder form.  Is a fast-acting anesthetic often used by veterinarians.  Like GHB it is found frequently at clubs and raves, where users take it for its purported euphoric effects.  It can cause:  Impaired judgement  Paranoia  Numbness  Amnesia  Convulsions  Hallucinations  Respiratory depression  Oxygen starvation or the brain and muscles (Large doses)  Its effects typically last for an hour, but it is not uncommon for the effects to last 4-6 hours. Generally, users do not recover completely from the drug for up to 48 hours.

25  Brand Names:  Ketaset  Vetalar  Street Names:  Special K  Ket KK  Vitamin K  Kit Kat  Keller  Cat Valium  Purple C  Super C

26  Often dropped into beverages in tablet form.  Is a potent and fast-acting sedative that depresses the CNS.  Similar to valium, but with 10 x the strength.  Can cause:  Impaired judgment  Disinhibition  Dizziness  Motion difficulty  Respiratory depression  Amnesia (complete or partial)  Takes effect within 15-60 minutes

27  Street Names:  Roofies  Roach  Roche  R-2  Mind Erasers

28  m/watch?v=ilNYbBVx1 Q8

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