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Ecology of the Northeast Marine Rocky Intertidal Zone

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1 Ecology of the Northeast Marine Rocky Intertidal Zone

2 Ecology- the study of the interactions that take place among organisms and their environment biotic factor- features of the environment that are alive or were once alive abiotic factor- nonliving, physical features of the environment

3 Food web Food web- model that shows the complex feeding relationships among organisms in a community

4 Producer- organisms that make their own food through photosynthesis Decomposer- Organism that breaks down dead organisms and returns nutrients back into the environment Primary consumer- organisms that eat producers Secondary consumers- organisms that eat primary consumers

5 Symbiosis Symbiosis- any relationship between 2 organisms of different species Mutualism- a symbiotic relationship in which both organisms benefit  

6 Parasitism- a symbiotic relationship in which one organism benefits and one is harmed
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7 Commensalism- a symbiotic relationship in which one organism benefits and the other isn’t affected :) :I

8 Rocky Intertidal Zone Rocky areas along the coast
Intertidal- “between tides” Includes a “spray zone,” “high tide zone,” “middle tide zone,” and “low tide zone”

9 Intertidal zones experience much fluctuation in temperature, pH levels, water levels, salinity (saltiness), and wave action During high tide, tide comes in and submerges the “high tide zone” During low tide, tide goes out and exposes the “high tide zone”

10 Different tide zones

11 H Spray Zone High tide -Flooded during high tide only, high salinity
Not enough water to sustain a lot of vegetation Experience high temperatures because of exposure to sun

12 Organisms include anemones, barnacles, brittle stars, chitons, crabs, green algae, isopods, limpets, mussels, sea stars, snails, whelks and some marine vegetation.

13 Middle Tide Zone Environment not as harsh as high tide, temperatures less extreme and not as saline (salty) as high tide zone More organisms live here compared to high tide zone, more diversity Do experience a lot of wave action

14 Organisms include anemones, barnacles, chitons, crabs, green algae, isopods, limpets, mussels, sea lettuce, sea palms, sea stars, snails, sponges, and whelks.

15 Low tide zone Mostly submerged, only exposed during low tide Highest amount of biodiversity compared to other sub-regions, much more vegetation organisms can grow larger since there is more food Salinity is almost at normal levels

16 Organisms include abalone, anemones, brown seaweed, chitons, crabs, green algae, hydroids, isopods, limpets, mussels, nudibranchs, sculpin, sea cucumber, sea lettuce, sea palms, sea stars, sea urchins, shrimp, snails, sponges, surf grass, tube worms, and whelks

17 Organisms found in intertidal zones
Arthropods Atlantic Horseshoe Crab Northern Lobster Northern Rock Barnacle Sand Shrimp

18 Mollusks Bay Scallop Blue Mussel Common and Rough Periwinkles Channeled Whelk Eastern Oyster Hard-shelled Clam Long-finned Squid Northern Moon Snail

19 Cnidarians Lion's Mane Jellyfish Moon Jellyfish Orange Striped Sea Anemone Porifera Red-beard Sponge Boring Sponge, Sulfur Sponge

20 Echinoderms Common Sea Star Purple Sea Urchin Polychaetes Clam Worm

21 Birds Bufflehead Common Goldeneye Common Tern Double-crested Cormorant Great Black-backed Gull Herring Gull Laughing Gull Red-breasted Merganser

22 Fish Northern Searobin Alewife Red Hake American Eel Sandtiger Shark Atlantic Menhaden Spiny Dogfish Atlantic Silverside Striped Bass Banded Rudderfish Summer Flounder Bluefish Winter Flounder Butterfish Common Mummichog Cunner Little Skate

23 Mammals Asian Stalked Sea Squirt Harbor Seal Atlantic Rough Sea Squirt Algae Ctenophores Phaeophyceans (Brown) Common Southern Comb Jelly Chlorophytes (Green) Rhodophytes (Red) Sea Gooseberry Tunicates

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