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The Periodic Table Foldable Notes

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1 The Periodic Table Foldable Notes


3 Alkali Metals Color the Alkali Metals Pink

4 Alkaline Earth Metals Color the Alkaline Earth Metals lime green.

5 Transition Metals Color the Transition Metals YELLOW.

6 Poor Metals Color the Poor Metals Light Blue.

7 Nonmetals Color the Nonmetals Purple.

8 Noble Gases Color the Noble Gases Orange.

9 Lanthanides Color the Lanthanides DARK GREEN.

10 Actinides Color the Actinides Brown

11 Metalloids Color the Metalloids Red.

12 Alkali Metals Group 1. Most reactive of all the metals.
Shiny, malleable, ductile. Good conductors of heat and electricity. 1 Valence Electron.

13 Alkaline Earth Metals Group 2.
They are never found uncombined in nature. 2 valence electrons. Not as reactive as Alkali Metals.

14 Transition Metals Good conductors of heat and electricity.
Have 1 or 2 valence electrons.

15 Poor Metals Softer than transition metals.
Melting and boiling points are lower.

16 Nonmetals Poor conductors of heat and electricity.
Not ductile or malleable. Brittle and break easily. They are dull. Many non-metals are gases.

17 Noble Gases Colorless gases that are extremely un-reactive.
Inactive- because their outermost energy level is full.

18 Lanthanides and Actinides
The 30 rare Earth elements. Most elements are synthetic or man made.

19 Metalloids Have properties of both metals and non-metals.
They are solids that can be shiny or dull. They conduct heat and electricity better than non-metals but not as well as metals. They are ductile and malleable.

20 Hydrogen The hydrogen square sits atop Family AI, but it is not a member of that family. Hydrogen is in a class of its own. It’s a gas at room temperature. It has one proton and one electron in its one and only energy level. Hydrogen only needs 2 electrons to fill up its valence shell.

21 Atomic Number Symbol Atomic Mass Element Name

22 Atomic Number Mass Number Protons Atomic Number Electrons # of Neutrons


24 What is represented by #1?
Groups or Families How many groups/families are on the periodic table? 18 What are some similarities amongst elements within a group? They have the same # of valence electrons and have similar properties. Which groups are the most reactive? Why? Groups 1 and 17 are highly reactive because they either want to give or receive 1 valence electron.

25 What is represented by #2? How many periods are on the periodic table?
What are some similarities amongst elements within a period? Elements within the same period have the same number of energy levels or electron shells.

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