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UMBR“shadow” An umbr/ella creates a small shadow..

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Presentation on theme: "UMBR“shadow” An umbr/ella creates a small shadow.."— Presentation transcript:

1 UMBR“shadow” An umbr/ella creates a small shadow.

2 Umber: a darkish brown mineral containing manganese and iron oxides used for coloring paint; a color that is greenish brown to dark reddish brown

3 Adumbrate: to give a sketchy outline or disclose in part; to hint at or foretell

4 Penumbra: the partial shadow surrounding a complete shadow, as in an eclipse; the fringe or surrounding area where something exists less fully

5 Umbrage: a feeling of resentment at some slight or insult, often one that is imagined rather than real

6 VEST“to clothe”“to dress”(verb) “clothing”“garment”(noun)

7 Divest: to get rid of or free oneself of property, authority, or title; to strip of clothing, ornaments, or equipment

8 Investiture: the formal placing of someone in office

9 Transvestite: a person, especially a male, who wears the clothing and adopts the mannerisms of the opposite sex Prefix trans-: across “cross-dresser”

10 Travesty: an inferior or distorted imitation; a broadly comic imitation in drama, literature, or art that is usually grotesque and ridiculous

11 THE/THEO“god”

12 Apotheosis: transformation into a god; the perfect example

13 Atheistic: denying the existence of God or divine power Atheist(person)

14 Pantheon: a building serving as the burial place of or containing memorials to the famous dead of a nation; a group of notable persons or things

15 Theocracy: government by officials who are regarded as divinely inspired; a state governed by a theocracy

16 ICONGreek eikon“image”

17 Icon: a religious image usually painted on a small wooden panel:idol ; emblem, symbol

18 Iconic: symbolic; relating to a greatly admired and successful person or thing

19 Iconoclast: a person who destroys religious images or opposes their use; a person who attacks settled beliefs of institutions

20 Iconography: the imagery and symbolism of a work of art or an artist; the study of artistic symbolism

21 URBLatin noun “city”

22 Urbane: sophisticated and with polished manners

23 Exurban: relating to a region or settlement that lies outside a city and usually beyond its suburbs and often is inhabited chiefly by well- to-do families

24 Interurban: going between or connecting cities or towns

25 Urbanization: the process by which towns and cities are formed and become larger as more and more people begin living and working in central areas

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