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Promoting the library through your collection development policy! Rick L. Fought, Paul Gahn, and Yvonne Mills UT Health Sciences Library.

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Presentation on theme: "Promoting the library through your collection development policy! Rick L. Fought, Paul Gahn, and Yvonne Mills UT Health Sciences Library."— Presentation transcript:

1 Promoting the library through your collection development policy! Rick L. Fought, Paul Gahn, and Yvonne Mills UT Health Sciences Library

2 Background Our library updated its collection development policy Goals with the new policy: Better align collection with campus mission and priorities Make more efficient use of our limited resources Ensure there were no gaps in our collection Implementing the new policy: SACS accreditation College of Medicine accreditation College of Pharmacy accreditation

3 Anticipated Benefits of New CDP The Good News Better alignment with campus needs and mission Better coverage of subject areas More robust collection However… This effort could go unrecognized and unnoticed on campus, and library resources could go underutilized

4 IDEA! We decided to use marketing principles to implement the new policy.

5 Our marketing principles Determine our faculty, student, and clinicians needs Shape our collection and services to respond to those needs Ensure everyone knows about our collection and services 1 1 Sarjeant-Jenkins, R. (2012). Why Market? Library Leadership & Management, 26(1), 1-8.

6 The Plan We conducted a major survey of our faculty and students to solicit input on the library collection and services. We also sought input from our faculty liaison program and Library Advisory Committee. Using FileMaker Pro 10, we created a database to analyze the results. We used Doody’s Core Titles 2013 and other core title lists for comparisons to our library’s collection. Our library was able to purchase a number of recommended e-books, e- journals, and databases after eliminating low-use resources. A comprehensive communications strategy was developed to publicize these new resources to the campus.

7 Initial Survey Results How satisfied are you with the quality of the library's resources and collections? Not at all satisfied Slightly satisfied Somewhat satisfied Very satisfied Extremely satisfied Total Avg. Rating 2.99% (2)7.46% (5)34.33% (23)43.28% (29)11.94% (8)100% (67)3.54 How satisfied are you with the library's efforts to solicit input from faculty on resource decisions? Not at all satisfied Slightly satisfied Somewhat satisfied Very satisfied Extremely satisfied Total Avg. Rating 0.00% (0)8.96% (6)28.36% (19)46.27% (31)16.42% (11) 100% (67)3.70 How would you rate the library's ability to develop a robust collection that supports the research, instruction, and clinical care needs of this campus? PoorFairAverageGoodExcellentTotal Avg. Rating 4.48% (3) 13.43% (9) 23.88% (16)40.30% (27)17.91% (12)100% (67)3.54

8 Follow-up Survey Results How satisfied are you with the quality of the library's resources and collections? Not at all satisfied Slightly satisfied Somewhat satisfied Very satisfied Extremely satisfied Total Avg. Rating 1.54% (1)9.23% (6)29.23% (19)46.15% (30)13.85% (9)100% (65)3.62 How satisfied are you with the library's efforts to solicit input from faculty on resource decisions? Not at all satisfied Slightly satisfied Somewhat satisfied Very satisfied Extremely satisfied Total Avg. Rating 1.54% (1)6.15% (4)23.08% (15)46.15% (30)23.08% (15) 100% (65)3.83 How would you rate the library's ability to develop a robust collection that supports the research, instruction, and clinical care needs of this campus? PoorFairAverageGoodExcellentTotal Avg. Rating 4.69% (3) 15.63% (10) 14.06% (9)40.63% (26)25.00% (16)100% (64)3.66

9 Collection Statistics Doody’s Core Titles – Essentials 2013 Total number of Essentials446 Number of Essentials in our collection117 Percentage (%)26.2% Essentials added (e-books)81 Essentials added (print books)214 Revised number of Essentials in our collection412 New percentage (%)92.4%

10 Life lessons from the library school of hard knocks… What we got right The creation of the collection development database was inspired. We were able to add Doody’s and other core title lists, our library inventory, and our vendors’ inventory! Input from students and faculty was good. The survey received a 24% response rate! Pay-per-view service was a big hit. If we could do it over There is a reason why companies run commercials over and over and over and over… A good communications strategy needs to be comprehensive and persistent! It takes TIME to get momentum with a project like this (just a general complaint)


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