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Process Management Robert A. Sedlak, Ph.D Provost and Vice Chancellor, UW-Stout Education Community of Practice Conference At Tusside in Turkey September.

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2 Process Management Robert A. Sedlak, Ph.D Provost and Vice Chancellor, UW-Stout Education Community of Practice Conference At Tusside in Turkey September 5, 2002

3 Process Management “UW-Stout has developed processes, with numerous partners, to enhance the university’s ability to deliver educational programs and expand services to more students and locations.” –2001 Feedback Report

4 Process Management  Educational Design and Delivery  Education Support Processes  Other Support Processes

5 Background / Context UW-Stout  Comprehensive university with strong, focused mission  Part of the University of Wisconsin System  8,000 students and 1,200 employees  Long history of quality initiatives

6 Educational Design And Delivery  UW-Stout offers a focused set of 27 undergraduate and 16 graduate degree programs that are aligned to its mission  Through formal campus-wide processes, these programs are continually evaluated and improved

7 Educational Design And Delivery New programs are added to meet the needs of stakeholders –B.S. in Telecommunication Systems –B.S. in Graphic Communications Management –B.S. in Industrial Management –B.S. in Applied Science –M.S. in Training and Development –Ed.S. in School Psychology

8 Educational Design And Delivery New programs follow comprehensive design process Program Director Program Advisory Committee Needs and Expectations for New Programs Program Plan Developed / Approved Implementation Developed / Approved New Program Implemented Program Evaluation / Refinement External Employer / Industry Advisory Council

9 Educational Design And Delivery Program Director Model –Work with advisory committees to develop and update curriculum –Student recruitment, advising and assessment –Network with employers and professional organizations –Participate in program review processes (accreditation) –Work with departments to coordinate course and program delivery

10 Educational Design And Delivery Delivery strategies meet the needs of students and employers and include: –2+2 or 2+2+2 programs, developed in partnership with high schools and technical colleges –Degree completion programs offered throughout the state via distance education –Weekend programs for graduate students –Internet-based courses and degree programs

11 Educational Design And Delivery Key Delivery Indicators –Program enrollment –Course evaluations –Student satisfaction –Student learning –Retention / graduation rates –Placement rates –Employer satisfaction

12 Educational Design And Delivery Measuring Student Learning –Assessment in the major Portfolios Standardized exams Co-op / Intern Supervisor Evaluation Research paper evaluations Capstone courses

13 Educational Design And Delivery Program Review Process –Campus-wide committee conducts review –PD Self Assessment Report –Surveys of stakeholders: students, alumni, faculty, advisory committee members, employers –Strengths and opportunities for improvement –Recommendations to continue for 1 to 7 years

14 Education Support Processes UW-Stout Support Services enhance academic programs by facilitating:  Active learning  Student success  Student and stakeholder satisfaction

15 Support Areas:  Student Services  Library Learning Center  Enrollment Services  Student Life Services  Budget Planning & Analysis  Physical Plant  University Services

16 Support Services Continuous Improvement Process Identify Needs Improve Services Deliver Services Measure Success

17 Support Services Needs are determined by:  Strategy development  The planning process  Student and stakeholder feedback Identify Needs Improve Services Deliver Services Measure Success

18 Support Services Strategies and Processes:  Forums  Committees  Councils  Surveys  Reviews  Data Identify Needs Improve Services Deliver Services Measure Success

19 Continuous Improvement Strategies And Processes  Community forums –Budget –Parking –North Campus Master Plan Identify Needs Improve Services Deliver Services Measure Success

20 Continuous Improvement Strategies And Processes  Cross-functional committees –Educational Activities –Advisory Committees Identify Needs Improve Services Deliver Services Measure Success

21 Continuous Improvement Strategies And Processes  Councils –Student Services Council –Administrative & Student Life Services Council Identify Needs Improve Services Deliver Services Measure Success

22  Surveys / Other feedback –ACT student opinion survey –Food service cereal survey –Telephone surveys –National survey of student engagement –Benchmarking surveys Continuous Improvement Strategies And Processes Identify Needs Improve Services Deliver Services Measure Success

23 Continuous Improvement Strategies And Processes  External / Internal reviews –Food service consultants –Student Life Services review team –Educational support unit review committee Identify Needs Improve Services Deliver Services Measure Success

24 Continuous Improvement Strategies And Processes  Data collection and analysis –Budget development –Hours of service –Service usage patterns –Capital planning Identify Needs Improve Services Deliver Services Measure Success

25 Key Measures of Success: Placement  Consistently over 97% of graduates are placed into career positions  Consistently over 90% of graduates find employment in or related to their major  In 2000, UW-Stout had three times more employers recruiting on campus than the Placement Office’s own peer group Identify Needs Improve Services Deliver Services Measure Success

26 SUPPORT SERVICE PERFORMANCE Key Measures of Success Source: Acct Student Opinion Survey, 2000, 2001; UW-Stout Survey, 1994; on a 1-5 scale; *statistically lower UW-Stout Trend Current Students Library Career services Job placement Financial aid Security 1994 -95 3.56 3.29 3.38 3.18 3.02 1999 -00 3.97 3.90 3.87 3.84 3.77 2000 -01 4.01 3.85 3.86 4.01 3.78 Public College 3.97 3.57* 3.40* 3.62* 3.66* Comparisons Nat’l Avg. 3.89* 3.60* 3.40* 3.65* 3.67* Identify Needs Improve Services Deliver Services Measure Success

27 Key Measures of Success SUPPORT SERVICE PERFORMANCE Source: ACT Alumni Outcomes Survey, 2000; on a 1-5 scale Library Career planning & placement Registration Academic advising Financial aid UW- Stout 4.36 3.51 3.92 3.76 3.49 UW System 4.20 3.15 3.67 3.45 3.38 Nat’l Avg. 4.05 3.11 3.64 3.68 3.29 Alumni Assessment of Student Services / Programs Identify Needs Improve Services Deliver Services Measure Success

28 Key Measures of Success  UW-Stout students are more satisfied with Student Center and Dining Services than national comparisons  UW-Stout budget processes results in minimal end of the year variances  UW-Stout has decreased its energy use by 51% since 1973 and remains lowest of its major competitors in energy use Identify Needs Improve Services Deliver Services Measure Success

29 Key Measures of Success Source: Annual Employment Report, 1997-2201; Peer 1 & 2 Purchases from Minority Vendors Identify Needs Improve Services Deliver Services Measure Success

30 Key Measures of Success Student Data Connections in Residence Halls Source: ASLS Residence Halls Number of Connections Identify Needs Improve Services Deliver Services Measure Success

31 Support Services Continuous Improvement Process Identify Needs Improve Services Deliver Services Measure Success

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