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Coach: Karina Luke Leader: Naomi Wong ‘Inspire Imagination’

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1 Coach: Karina Luke Leader: Naomi Wong ‘Inspire Imagination’

2 Trinity Christian School (TCS) is a Kindergarten – Year 12 school. The Junior School consists of Kindergarten – Year 5 (triple-stream). Focus Area: Writing Coaching Long-Term Vision:  To improve the ability and engagement level of students across Junior School in Writing.  To see a positive change in students’ attitude towards Writing.  To improve the competence and confidence of teachers in preparing and delivering Writing instruction.  To increase students’ performance on the writing segments of NAPLAN data. Long term goals (beginning in 2015): Teachers will have an increased understanding of relevant and engaging writing instruction techniques. Teachers implement some of the high yield strategies presented through the coaching course in the domains of both writing and coaching. 2016 Goals  Student results demonstrate a higher understanding of and engagement with the writing process.  Students improve in their confidence when approaching writing tasks.  Uniformity across year levels’ approach to writing techniques including a shared meta-language and common core strategies.  Teachers use a common language for writing instruction.

3 Term One Goals -Teachers identified across the Junior School who are interested in engaging with the coaching process. -Times and format approved between coach, teachers, leader and leadership. -Initial group contact made and individual contact established. Term One Coach and Leader attend AIS ACT Introductory 2 day course Executives select teachers to approach Teachers are approached and 3 commit to the coaching process NAPLAN data is analysed Introduction to whole Junior staff of Coaching and the plan for 2015 Letter sent to all Junior School families about Literacy Coaching First Coaching Team Meeting Introduction to Coaching Meeting with Executives to write and approve goals Second coaching team meeting with curriculum executives Survey teachers about their opinion of Writing and Coaching Teachers survey their classes opinion on current Writing processes All data is collated, evaluated, and discussed

4 Term Two Goals -Coaching team established. -Coaching team to work through Module 2. -Coach to lead coaching team through Writing workshops. -Teachers to establish goals for Writing in their classrooms. -Coach and teachers to meet one-on-one fortnightly across the term to discuss their goals and progress. Term TwoEach teacher identifies 3 goals for the term Coach meets one-on-one with each teacher, fortnightly Module 2 Core Coaching Team Feedback on Mark Church to Core Coaching Team End of term Coaching celebration with Executive staff TQI accreditation approved for 3 Staff Meeting Sessions Term 3 action plan written and approved Writing Workshop Day Coach + Teacher Coaching Workshop Day Meeting at school- AIS ACT & AIS QLD Jim Knight Brisbane Writing Workshop Coach + Teacher Mark Church Brisbane

5 Term Three Goals -To work through Module 3 as a core group with curriculum executives. -To move towards intentional and more intense approaches with each teacher, including modelling, watching and videoing lessons, and discussing the videos. Teachers set 3 literacy goals for this term- including a video goal Term 4 action plan written and approved Whole Junior Staff surveyed about the role of a Literacy Coach Junior School Staff Meeting Teachers surveyed on types of Writing used in their classrooms Junior School Staff Meeting Aspects of the Module 2 content Coaching team celebration with Executive members Continue fortnightly one-on-one meetings Coach and Teachers Core Coaching Team Module 3 Term Three What is Literacy Coaching? What does it look like for 2015 at Trinity. Where is Literacy Coaching going in 2016? Writing to Learn, Introduction of 6 + 1 Traits as a shared metalanguage

6 Term Four Goals -To work through Mark Church’s ‘Making Thinking Visible’ seminar with Junior School Staff. -To move towards more intentional and intense approaches with each teacher- modelling, watching and reflecting on lessons through the use of videoing. -Encourage teachers in their data collection, interpretation/collation of the data and how that influences their teaching approach. Term Four Teachers continue with 1 video goal from Term Three Classes are re-surveyed. Writing in the Classroom Coaching team works through Jim Knight Coaching Day feedback Teachers take surveys from the beginning of the year again- Writing and Coaching AIS Sharing Day presentation and attendance Data from Term 4 is collated and compared to Term 1

7 FEEDBACK: "I have found the course very motivating. I am excited to use video to reflect critically on my teaching and improve my practice. This, along with the use of mentor texts, has transformed my approach to literacy in the classroom" Teacher. Main data collected was in the form of surveys undertaken in Terms 1 and 4. Teachers Over this year teachers involved in the coaching course have shown an increasing willingness to discuss their practices with their peers. They have embedded new strategies into their teaching repertoire and have engaged in the process of using self-videos to aid their professional development. Students -Increase in students identifying writing as ‘fun’. -Students identified increasing belief in their ability to generate ideas, employ writing structure and voice techniques in their own writing. -Improvement in number of students identifying that they write in their free time.

8 School -Enthusiasm to have the coaching available to all staff members. -Positive feedback from staff meeting sessions. -Staff members approaching the Coach to discuss ideas. Coach -The Writing Process -Writer’s Workshop -Colour, Symbol, Image -Think, Know, Wonder -6 + 1 Traits of Writing -Mentor Texts -Writer’s Journal FEEDACK: “The engagement of staff around a shared focus- I am really thrilled with what the future will look like for us as a school, as students build on these foundations. ” (Executive)

9 Overall Successes: -Enthusiasm from Junior Staff about Literacy Coaching in 2016. -Enthusiasm from Junior Staff in staff meeting sessions. -Passionate teachers ready to try new things, sometimes beyond their comfort zones. -Developing trust and building professional relationships within the coaching team. -Executive who are supportive of the program and teachers. -Executives giving priority to the Coaching process. -6 + 1 Traits for Writing and the use of mentor texts in several classrooms. -Development of a 6 + 1 Writing Traits Mentor Text list for our library. -Videos being used in the coaching teams’ classrooms. -Positive, supportive and honest meetings as a coaching team. Personal successes: -Growth in my understanding of Literacy and Coaching. -Changes to my approach in teaching Literacy through using the Writing process. -Colour/Symbol/Image, Writers Journals and low stakes writing employed.

10 Overall Challenges: -Some teachers initially not wanting to participate in the coaching process (they are now both involved!). -Challenges regarding implementing a new thing in an already at-capacity curriculum. -Core coaching team are all in their 30s. Challenges for the future in expanding this to a broader range of teachers. -Presenting staff meetings and coaching team sessions in an engaging way- focus for the future will be on giving shorter presentations and in a sequential order that builds momentum and energises the staff. Personal Challenges: -Being away from class for the 11 days of Professional Development and at other times throughout the year in the coaching role. -Learning to fulfil the role of Coach to teachers who are more experienced than myself. -Trying to progress at a different rate with each teacher- not trying to enforce the same timeframe for everyone. -Managing my teaching role with my coaching role (time management). -Allowing each teacher to become enthused in their own time- after 11 days PD I was very excited about the process, but it took others longer.

11 FEEDBACK: “Teachers are now focusing on the craft of writing in their teaching. This allows for students to spend time looking at the different writing traits. They have time to experiment with these traits and then apply these traits in their own writing. Those students who were once reluctant to beginning writing are now disappointed when their writing lesson is over. With the increase of confidence and enthusiasm, there has also been an increase of skills and knowledge.” (Leader) The Junior School will begin implementing a coaching culture. 2016- Coaching framework established across Kindergarten – Year 5 teaching and support staff. 2016 – Teachers (core coaching team) will lead and support their teaching team through a series of booklets (one per term). These booklets will involve discussions and sessions establishing the foundations of a culture of coaching. 2017- Teams will take an active role in coaching each other in the identified area of Writing.

12 Corbett, P., & Strong, J. (2011). Talk For Writing Across The Curriculum. Glascow: McGraw Hill Open University Press. Culham, R. (2003). 6 + 1 Traits of Writing: The Complete Guide Grades 3 and Up. Oregon: Northwest Regional Educational Laboratory. Knight, J. (2014). Focus on Teaching. California: Corwin. Peha, S. Welcome to Writer’s Workshop This presentation reports on the findings from “The AISACT Literacy and Numeracy Coaching Academy (2015)”, delivered in partnership with Independent Schools Queensland (ISQ) and funded by the Students First Support Fund.

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