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Facilities Department Town of Duxbury, MA FY17 Capital Project Request Presentation & Ten Year Capital Improvement Plan To The Finance Committee & Fiscal.

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Presentation on theme: "Facilities Department Town of Duxbury, MA FY17 Capital Project Request Presentation & Ten Year Capital Improvement Plan To The Finance Committee & Fiscal."— Presentation transcript:

1 Facilities Department Town of Duxbury, MA FY17 Capital Project Request Presentation & Ten Year Capital Improvement Plan To The Finance Committee & Fiscal Advisory Committee Duxbury Senior Center October 29, 2015 Prepared and Maintained by Brian J. Cherry, Facilities Director

2 Discussion Topics What is the charge of the Facilities Department? How operational investment impacts capital planning. What projects are in the Facilities Departments scope? What projects are NOT in the Facilities Departments scope? How much Capital $ should we invest in buildings each year? Review FY 15 and FY 16 Capital FY 17 Capital Projects FY 18? What projects should we expect in the years to come? What is the cost of doing nothing? Questions? 2

3 Department Charge Develop and maintain a town-wide 10 year capital improvement plan. Respond to the needs of your buildings and occupants 24/7/365. Maintain business continuity. Ensure buildings are operating as efficiently and effectively as possible. The mission of the Facilities Department is to support the Town of Duxbury by enhancing the quality of its facilities. The department consists of a dedicated team of highly-trained professionals, who strive to bring the utmost in operational efficiency while delivering superior building maintenance services, in a responsive, service- oriented, effective, and environmentally-conscious manner. 3

4 How Operations Impact Capital Internal Staffing Preventative Maintenance Contracted Services Corrective Action Work Order Software 4

5 How Operations Impact Capital Work orders generated over the previous calendar year through today. 2056 Total work orders generated (corrective & preventative) 1771 work orders completed 253 work in progress 13 new requests 6 unassigned 2 in approval 11 on hold 171 work orders generated/month 39 work orders generated/week 147 work orders completed/month 34 work orders completed/week 86% of building generated requests in the last year have been completed. 5

6 How Operations Impact Capital What are we spending operationally for maintenance in our buildings? FY 16 Operational Investment in Building Maintenance $111,402 Town $216,049 Schools *This does not include custodial or grounds costs. 6

7 What types of projects will we expect from Facilities Management? Fixed Building Assets that are not Department Specific Building Envelope-roof, windows, siding, doors, etc. MEP-Mechanical, Electrical, Plumbing Building/Energy Management Systems HVAC-Equipment Life Safety Systems-Fire Alarm, Sprinkler, emergency lighting. Flooring Energy Efficiency Solar Bathroom Renovations Elevator 7

8 These type of projects are out of the scope of Facilities Management Fixed Building Assets that are Department Specific Water Department Pumps, Equipment Crematory Equipment, Retorts. Locker Rooms Additions to buildings New construction Re-purposing building space Security Alarm, Security Camera IT Equipment Food Service Equipment, Kitchen Equipment Furniture Telephone Athletic, Gym Equipment Grounds Equipment 8

9 Facilities Management 10 year Capital Improvement Plan Program Summary Capital Improvement Plan developed over two years of day-day in building, site assessment, in conjunction with prior capital needs assessments. Town Wide Building Capital Needs Liability $3,300,000 $30,000/year investment in water enterprise facilities (20) $300,000/year investment in buildings (43) Annual investment is predictable and constant for years to come. Facilities department, in conjunction with, department heads, develops, presents annually, and executes all projects. 9

10 Review The Past FY 15 Projects $300,000 Replace Library roof and Cupola Repair $11,500 North Hill Carpet, Exterior Paint/Power wash $50,000 Chandler School Fire Alarm System Upgrade/Replacement $24,000 Evergreen Well Roof Replacement $385,500 Total 10

11 Review The Past FY 16 Projects $25,000 Replace Library Energy Management Work Station $36,900 Replace Windows Chandler School Gym $14,000 Senior Center Carpet Replacement (phase 2 of 2) $75,900 Total ______________________________________________________________________ *$350,000 New Construction-Cemetery Maintenance Building 11

12 Review The Past FY 16 Projects ______________________________________________________________________ *$350,000 New Construction-Cemetery Maintenance Building 12

13 This Year FY 17 Projects $186,617 Alden School Window Replacement phases (1 and 2) of 3. $42,000 Alden and Chandler School Data Room Cooling $17,300 Library Merry Room Flooring $44,000 New and Old Town Hall Fire Alarm System Replacement (2 nd request) $9,253.16 New Town Hall Carpet Replacement phase (2 of 4). $2,800 Senior Center Building Wash $30,000 Partridge Well Site Building (2) Restoration and Rehabilitation $5,300 Percy Walker Pool Building Wash $337,270 Total 13

14 This Year Alden School Window Replacement This year (phases 1 and 2) of 3. $186,617 14

15 This Year Alden School Window Replacement Library windows will now open and have blinds. When you open the windows, they will stay open! New windows that the teacher can open by themselves! New Blinds and screens throughout, turn key project. Comfort & Healthy Fresh air for students and staff. 15

16 This Year Alden School Window Replacement Funding- The School Committee could vote, as early as next week, to allow the district to submit this project to the Massachusetts School Building Authority (MSBA) via a Statement of Interest (SOI). MSBA could provide (full or partial) state reimbursement for this project to the Town of Duxbury MSBA SOI submission calendar for FY 16 yet to be posted. 16

17 This Year Library-Merry Room Flooring Eliminate or reduce moisture issues $17,300 Library Merry Room Flooring 17

18 This Year Percy Walker Pool-Building Wash $5,300 Exterior Building Wash 18

19 This Year Old/New Town Hall Fire Alarm Replacement $44,000 Fire Alarm System Replacement 19

20 This Year Partridge Well Site Building (2) Restoration $30,000 All inclusive- Building Envelope-Roof, Siding, Windows, Doors, Hatches, Flooring, etc. 20

21 This Year Alden & Chandler Data Closet Cooling Increased Technology in Classrooms Data Closet load increases Increases life cycle of equipment Cooling is essential to Technology 11 Rooms Total Consistent standard approach throughout district Cost includes equipment, electric, misc. materials In-house labor to install and maintain $42,000 21

22 This Year-Summary FY 17 Projects $186,617 Alden School Window Replacement phases (1 and 2) of 3. $42,000 Alden and Chandler School Data Room Cooling $17,300 Library Merry Room Flooring $44,000 New and Old Town Hall Fire Alarm System Replacement (2 nd request) $9,253.16 New Town Hall Carpet Replacement phase (2 of 4). $2,800 Senior Center Building Wash $30,000 Partridge Well Site Building (2) Restoration and Rehabilitation $5,300 Percy Walker Pool Building Wash $337,270.16 Total 22

23 What’s coming in future years? FY 18 and Beyond…….. Capital Improvement Plan Years (3-10) A $2,540,000 liability over 8 remaining years. *This includes water department and pool enterprise buildings. Here are some of the other big ticket projects on the horizon Chandler School Mechanical and Controls approximately ($750,000) Alden School Roof Replacement (two story old section $150,000)(library $35,000) Library Chiller Plant Alden School first floor old section renovation ¼ Chandler Roof Replacement Bathroom Renovations Boilers On the horizon-New Construction DPW-L&NR & Highway Facility Replacement. Senior Center Addition Harbormaster Head Quarters *Additions and Building Replacements are brought forward by individual departments, committees, etc. 23

24 What happens in 2025? Building liability continues to be manageable and sustainable. Life expectancy of buildings maximized. Building life expectancy staggered to avoid having to build/replace multiple buildings at one time. Review 2015-2025 Evaluate current state Develop plan to proceed. The new buildings look and function like new for decades! 24

25 What is the cost of doing nothing? Approximately 3,500 people occupy your buildings everyday. Operational maintenance can not maintain the buildings alone. Buildings will age faster than we can maintain them. Buildings will trend towards less efficient rather than towards more efficient. Your costs will trend towards unpredictable. 25

26 QUESTIONS? Brian J. Cherry Director of Facilities Town of Duxbury 781-934-1100 ex 5460 notes _______________________________________ 26

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