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Game Topic Chemistry $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 Hydrosp here EvolutionEnergy Ecosyste ms Biotech Team 1Team 2Team 3Team 4 $200.

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2 Game Topic

3 Chemistry $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 Hydrosp here EvolutionEnergy Ecosyste ms Biotech Team 1Team 2Team 3Team 4 $200

4 Topic 1: $100 Describe the arrangement of subatomic particles Answer

5 Answer: Topic 1: $100 Protons and neutrons are in the nucleus. Electrons revolve around the nucleus. Return to Main

6 Topic 1: $200 Answer Count the number of elements for each element in this formula.

7 Answer: Topic 1: $200 Return to Main Carbon – 8 Hydrogen – 10 Nitrogen – 4 Oxygen - 2 Carbon – 8 Hydrogen – 10 Nitrogen – 4 Oxygen - 2

8 Topic 1: $300 Answer Describe two different patterns of arrangement on the Periodic Table

9 Answer: Topic 1: $300 Return to Main 1.Atomic number increases from left to right 2.Protons and electrons increase from left to right 3.All elements in a period have the same number of energy levels 4.Elements in a group have the same number of valence electrons 1.Atomic number increases from left to right 2.Protons and electrons increase from left to right 3.All elements in a period have the same number of energy levels 4.Elements in a group have the same number of valence electrons

10 Topic 1: $400 Answer Explain why the total mass of the products in a reaction could be less than the total mass of the reactants?

11 Answer: Topic 1: $400 Return to Main Gases were released

12 Topic 1: $500 Answer Need a Periodic Table: Name any two elements that have similar properties. Need a Periodic Table: Name any two elements that have similar properties.

13 Topic 1: $500 Return to Main Any two elements in the same Family/Group. Ex. Krypton (K) and Helium (He) Any two elements in the same Family/Group. Ex. Krypton (K) and Helium (He)

14 Topic 2: $100 Answer What is upwelling?

15 Topic 2: $100 Return to Main Ocean currents that bring nutrients to the surface, increasing the productivity of aquatic life

16 Topic 2: $200 Answer An ocean zone where organisms need to be adapted to terrestrial and aquatic conditions

17 Topic 2: $200 Return to Main Intertidal

18 Topic 2: $300 Answer A pH of 7 is considered _________.

19 Topic 2: $300 Return to Main neutral

20 Scores Proceed

21 Topic 2: $400 Answer The name of the agency that monitors the health and safety of our country’s drinking water

22 Topic 2: $400 Return to Main Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)

23 Topic 2: $500 Answer The water quality indicator that increases with turbulence in the water

24 Topic 2: $500 Return to Main Dissolved oxygen

25 Topic 3: $100 Answer A type of fossil that helps scientists date other fossils

26 Topic 3: $100 Return to Main Index fossils

27 Topic 3: $200 Answer Anatomical structures that indicate organisms share ancestry

28 Topic 3: $200 Return to Main Homologous Structures

29 Topic 3: $300 Answer The theory Darwin formulated after studying the finches on Galapagos Island

30 Topic 3: $300 Return to Main Natural selection

31 Topic 3: $400 Answer Evidence of the Earth’s history used to understand past climate

32 Topic 3: $400 Return to Main Ice cores

33 Topic 3: $500 Answer Measuring the amount of a certain element (Carbon or Uranium) to determine the age of a rock or fossil

34 Answer: Topic 3: $500 Return to Main Radioactive decay, half- life, or Absolute dating

35 Topic 4: $100 Answer One specific resource that contributes the most greenhouse gases to the atmosphere

36 Topic 4: $100 Return to Main Fossil fuels: petroleum and or coal

37 Topic 4: $200 Answer The most significant disadvantage of solar energy

38 Topic 4: $200 Return to Main $Cost$

39 Topic 4: $300 Answer The energy solution that most disrupts the hydrosphere

40 Answer: Topic 4: $300 Return to Main Hydropower, Hydroelectric, or dam

41 Topic 4: $400 Answer The energy source the world is most dependent on for transportation

42 Topic 4: $400 Return to Main Petroleum

43 Topic 4: $500 Answer A disadvantage of the oil pipeline in the picture

44 Topic 4: $500 Return to Main Disrupting environment

45 Topic 5: $100 Answer A diagram that shows the transfer of energy in an ecosystem

46 Topic 5: $100 Return to Main Food Web

47 Topic 5: $200 Answer A feeding relationship where both organisms benefit

48 Topic 5: $200 Return to Main mutualism

49 Topic 5: $300 Answer Name two resources that organisms compete for in an ecosystem

50 Topic 5: $300 Return to Main Food, water, shelter, or space

51 Topic 5: $400 Answer An increasing population increases the ________________in the community

52 Answer: Topic 5: $400 Return to Main Competition

53 Topic 5: $500 Answer Which organisms in a food web or food chain have the most energy?

54 Topic 5: $500 Return to Main Producers

55 Topic 6: $100 Answer Name one way biotechnology improves human life

56 Topic 6: $100 Return to Main Vaccinations, tissue generation, greater crop production

57 Topic 6: $200 Answer What is a genetically modified organism (GMO)?

58 Topic 6: $200 Return to Main A plant or animal that is produced by combining the DNA/genes of an organisms to create an improved organism (disease resistant crops)

59 Topic 6: $300 Answer a cross between the Greek words 'bios' (everything to do with life) and 'technikos' (involving human knowledge and skills)

60 Topic 6: $300 Return to Main Biotechnology

61 Topic 6: $400 Answer Name one way your life is impacted by biotechnology?

62 Topic 6: $400 Return to Main Vaccines, GMO’s, disease therapies, safe and healthier foods, bio- fuels (ethanol)

63 Topic 6: $500 Answer Biotechnology is important for NC _______________

64 Topic 6: $500 Return to Main Economy

65 Final Jeopardy Topic Proceed

66 Answer What is the BALANCED formula for photosynthesis?

67 Return to Main Insert FINAL answer here

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