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JAVA Persistence API(JPA) What is it? How would we use it in a project? Should we use it? -Parag Chaudhari.

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Presentation on theme: "JAVA Persistence API(JPA) What is it? How would we use it in a project? Should we use it? -Parag Chaudhari."— Presentation transcript:

1 JAVA Persistence API(JPA) What is it? How would we use it in a project? Should we use it? -Parag Chaudhari

2 Introduction - Without using JPA? Lot of implementation details (connections, implementation, resultsets etc) Alternative is to use ORM tools such as (Hibernate, iBatis, JDO) But what about Object-Relation mismatch?

3 Solution : Use JPA. Java Persistence API 1.Entity 2.Entity manager and persistence context 3.Persistence unit 4.Exceptions 5.JPA Query Language

4 Entity

5 Entity(cont.)

6 Entity Manager and persistence context Application Entities MyEntity A MyEntity B MyEntity C MyEntity a EntityManager MyEntity b Entity state

7 JPA Query Language

8 JPA Exception

9 Resources Java Persistence API jsp-140049.html jsp-140049.html JPQL Language Reference 1.0.2/docs/manual/jpa_langref.html 1.0.2/docs/manual/jpa_langref.html Article “Introduction to Java Persistence API”

10 Thank you!

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