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Safe Sanctuary Training Thoburn United Methodist Church.

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1 Safe Sanctuary Training Thoburn United Methodist Church

2 Purpose of this Child Protection Policy Provide procedures specifically designed to protect children, youth, church staff and volunteers associated with the ministries of the church. Establish appropriate ways of responding to alleged, reported, or suspected incidents of abuse in a fair and compassionate manner. Be in a compassionate ministry with all affected persons – the alleged victim, the alleged victim’s family, the accused, the family of the accused, and the church family.

3 Our Intention Safeguard the children/youth of our church and community from abuse and neglect. Respond to all allegation in a fair and compassionate manner. Protect church staff and volunteers from potential false allegations of abuse. Limit the extent of our church’s legal risk and liability. Strengthen our Christian education and children/youth ministries.

4 Selection and Screening of Church Staff and Volunteers Our major intent is to be certain that abuse never occurs within our church in any program or ministry with children or youth. We want to be a truly safe and caring place. In an effort to create a safe environment, everyone who works with the church’s children or youth programs, either regularly or occasionally, on or beyond church grounds, shall be trained on child protection issues.

5 Procedure for selecting and screening Each person being considered to work with children/youth in any way, whether as a volunteer or paid staff person, shall fill out a volunteer application form. Before placing the applicant in a position of responsibility, the Pastor, the Christian Education Director, or VBS Director will review the written application and determine if it is necessary to interview the applicant.

6 Indications that an Interview MUST take place. The person is a newcomer to the church and/or St. Clairsville area. The person is a church member who has not previously worked with children/youth. The person wants to work ALONE. Upon checking references, issues are raised which require clarification.

7 Persons NEVER allowed to work with children/youth. If the person indicates that they have been charged with a crime against a child/youth. Persons who have been previously convicted or pleaded guilty or no contest to a crime against youth or children will NOT be placed in a position involving access to children or youth.

8 Supervision of Children/Youth It is preferable that at least two (non-related) adults be present for all classroom activities involving youth and children. When two adults are not available, a designated person will periodically check the rooms and be aware of the children/youth’s whereabouts if they leave the classroom area. Even when two adults are available, periodic classroom checks are advisable. We also have an Open Door Policy where parents, volunteers, or staff may visit and observe any part of the program at any time.

9 Youth Volunteers in Supervising While recognizing the importance of youth volunteers in children/youth ministries, all activities involving children/youth will be supervised by at least one person who is at least 18 years of age and at least five years older than those who they are supervising. Therefore, youth can volunteer as long as there is a responsible adult in charge.

10 Sign-In/Sign-Out Procedure Signing-In or Signing-Out are separate actions and must be done as so when dropping off child(ren) and picking child(ren) up respectively. We MUST NOT let the child(ren) be signed-in & signed-out at the same time. Regular Sunday School – Persons responsible for children infant through Kindergarten will sign- in/sign-out their child(ren) or indicate the pre- authorized person(s) to whom the child may be signed out. Persons responsible should be an adult unless written permission is on file in the church’s office.

11 Sign-In/Sign-Out Procedure Summer Sunday School, LOGOS, Alpha & Omega Choir, and ALL other children’s activities including but not limited to VBS, Christmas Program Activities, etc.; persons responsible for children Pre-School through Sixth Grade will sign-in/sign-out their child(ren) respectively, they may also indicate another person authorized to sign-out the child(ren).

12 Special Circumstances Youth Counseling: Where circumstances dictate that counseling is most effective on a one-on-one basis; such counseling will take place with the Open-Door Policy and the Two Adult Policy in mind. If situations allow, awareness and previous consent may be made. Other exceptions to consent may be made in an emergency situation. Clergy staff fall under the mandatory reporting laws of the state of Ohio.

13 Unavoidable Circumstances Dismissal from Group Events: It may be inevitable that one child or youth’s transportation from an event arrives after all others have departed. In those circumstance, it is unavoidable that the child may be in the presence of a single adult. The general rule requiring the two adult rule must be suspended and the adult is responsible for exercising their best judgment for the child or youth’s well-being.

14 Rules for Providing Transportation Driver must be known to event leader. Driver must be at least 21 years old. Driver must have a valid state driver’s license for self and vehicle. Driver must have proof of insurance. Driver should be accompanied by at least two children or youth. Driver must read and sign Volunteer Application Form and Transportation Form.

15 Injuries and Accidents The adult supervisor must complete an incident report within 24 hours of the incident whenever a child or youth is injured and file it in the church’s office.

16 Response to Allegations of Abuse If abuse is suspected by, observed by or disclosed to a volunteer, that person shall report the incident IMMEDIATELY to the Pastor and/or Christian Education Director. If the accused is either of those afore mentioned do the following. Many of these steps should be done simultaneously.

17 Response to Allegations of Abuse IMMEDIATELY separate the alleged victim from other children and youth in the program. Take whatever steps are necessary to assure the safety of the alleged victim until the parents or guardians arrive. IMMEDIATELY notify the proper authorities (Children’s Services, the county Department of Human Services exercising the children services function, or the sheriff in the county in which the child resides or in which the suspected abuse occurred. This is a requirement of the law. (Reference section 2151.421 of the Ohio Revised Code.) Do not attempt an investigation. This should be left to professionals who are familiar with these cases. Simultaneously notify the parents of the victim and take whatever steps are necessary to assure the safety of the child or youth until the parent(s) arrive. It is important to emphasize that the proper authorities must be notified even if the parent(s) do not wish the incident to be reported. NOTE: If one or both of the parents is the alleged-abuser; contact the proper authorities. Follow their advice about notification of the parents.

18 Response to Allegations of Abuse Take any allegations seriously and reach out to the victim and the victim’s family. Showing care and support help to prevent further hurt. Extend whatever pastoral resources are needed. Remember that the care and safety of the victim is the first priority. Respond in a positive and supportive manner to the alleged victim and the victim’s family. A written report of the basic information shall be kept to ensure on- going ministry to, and advocacy for victims and others involved. A form for this purpose is available in the church office. This report shall be brief and contain only factual information relevant to the situation. The copy shall be filed only in the pastor’s office in order to ensure confidentiality. It shall be written in ink or typed to prevent it from being changed. The church must also file a copy of the report with the bishop’s office of the East Ohio Conference, where it shall remain confidential. Immediately, yet with dignity and respect for the sacred worth of the accused, remove the accused from further involvement with children and/or youth. Be careful to realize this is a precaution and not a presumption of guilt.

19 Response to Allegations of Abuse Once proper authorities have been contacted and the safety of the child or youth is secured, the pastor may tell the accused that a report has been made. If the accused is a volunteer or paid staff of the church, that person shall be relieved temporarily of his or her duties until the investigation is finished. All contact with the media should be handled through a single pre- determined spokesperson. The designated media spokesperson will be the pastor, or in the event that the pastor is personally involved in the situation, it will then become the church council chairperson or the conference director of communications. Care will be taken to safeguard the privacy and confidentiality of all involved. The spokesperson should generally convey that the matter is under investigation and any comments made prior to the conclusion of the investigation would be premature. After having reported the suspected abuse to the proper authorities, the incident is to be reported immediately to the church’s attorney, the church’s insurance company, and the district superintendent. The district superintendent will report the allegation to the bishop’s office. Do not try to handle this without professional assistance. If the accused is a clergy member of the East Ohio Annual conference, provisions of Paragraph 358 and Paragraphs 2623-2629 of the Book of Discipline of The United Methodist Church must be followed.

20 Important Information Volunteers MUST arrive at least 15 minutes prior to start time so as never to leave children in an unattended situation. For some events 30 minutes prior is best. Volunteers should NEVER put themselves in a bad situation. Never take another child into a room alone, for example the bathroom. Observe the Open-Door Policy or Two-Adult Policy. If alone in the classroom with students be visible through the window in the door or have the door open. Nursery volunteers MUST be in the Nursery 15 minutes prior to their service and remain for the entire service.

21 Other Important Information Confidentiality!!!! To persons outside of the church. Always maintain a positive learning classroom environment, ask for help immediately if needed. Remember that our children have many allergies including food allergies. Always be cautious to NEVER give out food to children without knowing if they have a food allergy. SAFETY FIRST: Always make sure that the well-being of the children, youth, and adults involved is put first and foremost!! Don’t Forget to Fill Out Your Forms.

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