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CAPE ROAD SURGERY Patient Questionnaire 2013 / 2014.

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1 CAPE ROAD SURGERY Patient Questionnaire 2013 / 2014

2 Questionnaire – Background information Survey made available to patients from Dec 13 – Jan 14 No postal surveys (prior year 9) 12 surveys completed online 180 surveys completed at the surgery Total surveys completed 192 Current patient population ~4700 4.1% representation Response rate Contains presentation of results only. Conclusions / actions to be discussed by PPG Responses have been analysed across : Age groups Gender Length of time at practice Chronic condition Specific needs Care situation In some cases there were very few responses in a particular group. These categories have not been analysed in detail as a single response can significantly change the scores for this group. As the majority of responses fell into a single ethnic category, there is no demographic analysis for ethnicity. Comments on Demographics

3 Questionnaire – Background information Gender: 32% male 68% female (prior year : 40% male 60% female) Age group: Over 97% listed their ethnicity as White (170 responses). 32% have a chronic ongoing illness (168 responses). 8% identified themselves as having specific needs (168 responses). 168 people responded about their care situation as follows: (survey did not included “Neither” category) Demographics

4 Results – Access to a doctor or nurse


6 As in the prior year, this section shows the greatest variation in scores. There was some confusion in the series of questions relating to telephone appointments with conflicting answers being submitted on some questionnaires. The results are shown with the inconsistencies removed – this did not materially affect the results. Average score across all categories In general, each demographic groups shows similar average scores. Typically the over 70’s tended to score more highly than younger age groups. As in the prior year survey, those with specific needs scored more than 10% higher than the overall average on the following questions: 2.Appointment availability to see a GP/nurse within 48 hours 3.Satisfaction with opening hours/convenience of appointment 4.Seeing a doctor of your choice Overall the comparable questions produced a slightly lower average mark than last year with the exception of the experience of telephone appointments.

7 Results – Reception and environment

8 The scores are consistent across all demographic groups. Compared to the prior year, the average score for each category marginally increased (with the exception of 9 : Helpfulness of receptionists at the surgery). The age groups age 41-50 and 71-80 are the least satisfied with this area. There are only two instances where “Poor” was scored; 1 in each of Helpfulness of receptionists on the phone and ease of access into building. Last year there were no instances of a “Poor” score. Average score across all categories

9 Results – Patient experience : GP consultations

10 This area presents the most improved scores from 2012/2013 with the average increasing for each question. In general, there are no clear trends across the various groups. Over 95% of responses scored “Good” or above for each question. Average score across all categories

11 Results – Patient experience : nurse consultations

12 The average scores for each question are not significantly changed from last year. The results for this section scored the highest percentage of “No Experience” answers. In general, the younger the age group the less likely they were to have experience of a nurse consultation. Approximately half of the responses for the 21-30 category were not scored or marked as “No Exp”. Those with specific needs, carers and the cared for were the highest scorers in this category continuing the trend shown last year. Average score across all categories

13 Results – Patient services : obtaining a repeat prescription Over 50% of those surveyed are aware of the introduction of online repeat prescriptions (over 60% for those who felt it relevant to their requirements). The experience scored very highly and for those who had not yet used it approximately 1/3 rd either did not know about it or had not got around to using it.

14 Results – Patient experience : out of hours Almost 80% of those who responded are aware of the process for contacting out of hours with just over a fifth of the responders requiring this service in the past year. Where this service was not used, the most popular alternative was to contact A&E. This question gave rise to some inconsistent answers due to the optionality in the question. However, the results have not been adjusted to remove inconsistencies.

15 Results – Information and communication The average score for these two categories has not changed since last year despite the changing distribution of results. There are no obvious differences between the demographic group’s scores in this section.

16 Results – Practice newsletter Only a quarter of those who responded (183 surveys) had seen or knew of the practice newsletter. In general, those who had seen it rated it well (average score 3.9) but only this includes only 49 responses. One response was removed as the previous response stated they had not read the newsletter. This does not significantly impact the results.

17 Results – Overall practice performance Unlike last year, there are no easily discernible trends across the demographic groups. Of the 2 people who thought the practice had declined, both scored Excellent for all questions answered. The average score is slightly but not materially higher than last year.

18 Results – Overall practice performance Overall satisfaction with practice excluded from this list as it does not deal with a specific area. This ranking is just to give an idea of the highest and lowest scoring areas. This is based on the average score for each question. None of the lowest ranked areas had an average score below 3 – Good. 1.Experience of ordering repeat prescriptions online Obtaining a Repeat Prescription 2.Comfort and cleanliness of waiting room Reception and Environment 3.Overall satisfaction with GP consultation GP Consultation 4.Helpfulness of receptionists at surgery Reception and Environment 5.Treating patient with care and concern GP Consultation TOP RANKED 5 AREAS 1.Ease at getting through to the surgery on the phone Access to a doctor or nurse 2.Length of time waiting in the surgery Access to a doctor or nurse 3.Information about preventing illness/staying healthy Info and Communication 4.Information provided about practice services Information and Communication 5.Appointment to see GP/nurse within 48h Access to a doctor or nurse LOWEST RANKED 5 AREAS Prior Year New 4 5 1 New Prior Year 1 2 3 4 New

19 Comparison to 2012 survey Pilot survey carried out in 2012 but not in 2013. Would be beneficial in future? More complex questions with different options for “Yes” and “No” responses. ‐Experience of telephone appointments ‐Experience of repeat prescriptions ‐Out of hours process Boxes change from right to left of answer Some surveys completed online and all input into online function ‐Pros: e.g. Limited to set answers, more automated ‐Cons: e.g. Manual error on input (also for spreadsheet), less demographic analysis

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