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Pamela D. Ennis. Video recording of this presentation can be found at: dx0&

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1 Pamela D. Ennis

2 Video recording of this presentation can be found at: dx0&

3  Since 1999, over 371,000 youth have exited the foster care system-either at the age of 18 or as legally emancipated minors  Challenges to transition to adulthood ◦ Early parenthood ◦ Incarceration ◦ Homelessness and poverty ◦ Physical and mental health problems

4  1986 Federal Independent Living Program ◦ $70 million per year to states that implemented independent living programs and educational programs  1999 The John H. Chafee Foster Care Independence Act ◦ Extended benefits of foster care to age 21

5 Midwest Study  70 % of foster youth indicated they wanted to go to college  11-13% enroll in college  3% actually receive a college degree

6  Nationwide ◦ Western Michigan State University ◦ University of Washington  Texas ◦ Austin Community College ◦ Persevere Until Success Happens (PUSH), University of North Texas ◦ Foster Care Alumni Creating Educational Successes (FACES), Texas State University

7 R1. What do student foster alumni need to be “successful” in college? R2. How do program leaders’ perceptions of student needs differ from the student perceptions of their own needs?

8 O1: Assess student foster alumni perceptions of needs for successful postsecondary outcomes. O2: Assess program leader/administrator perceptions of student foster alumni needs for successful postsecondary outcomes. O3: Provide recommendations to educators about perceived needs of student foster alumni

9  H1: Foster alumni will identify common themes of strengths when considering the benefits of the campus support program in which they participated.  H2: Student foster alumni will identify common themes of needs when considering their own strengths and the experiences in foster care and the campus support program in which they participated.

10  Foster care youth aspirations to attend college (71%)  Possible causes for low enrollment (11-13%)  Possible causes for low graduation rates (3%)

11  Strengths Perspective ◦ Empowerment ◦ Student foster care alumni and campus support program administrators are identified as expert key informants in the process  Social Constructionist Theory ◦ Individuals shape themselves based upon their experiences ◦ Environments can be created which make experiences conducive to success in college

12  Mixed Methods-with strong emphasis on qualitative methods ◦ Qualitative  Inductive and Grounded Theory Methods ◦ Quantitative  Demographics  Convenience Sampling and Mock Surveys

13  Voluntary Participation  Informed Consent ◦ Telephone Surveys  Confidentiality

14  Qualitative Data ◦ Open-ended questions ◦ Semi-structured surveys ◦ Based on experiences of the participants ◦ Open coding method and memoing  Strengths  Needs  Quantitative Data ◦ Demographic information

15  Questions for Program Administrators ◦ Perceived effectiveness of existing programs ◦ Perceptions of student needs  Questions for Student Foster Alumni ◦ Perceptions of program effectiveness ◦ Needs that can be addressed by the program

16  Qualitative Data ◦ Student perceptions of program benefits  55% Confidence, self esteem, empowerment  36% Networking-social and resources  36% Leadership and Communication  36% Social Activities  36% Life Skills Programs

17  Qualitative Data ◦ Student perceptions of individual needs  63% General support by peers and program staff  Further research needed to identify support more specifically ◦ Student perceptions of program improvements (needs)  36% Training for mentors

18  Quantitative Data ◦ Demographics  Significant population of African American student foster alumni (55%)

19  Based on findings ◦ Need for changes in mentorship program ◦ Expand leadership programs as a means to increase student foster alumni autonomy ◦ Based on demographic findings future research should consider the correlation between significant ethnic population needs and student foster alumni needs

20 Limitations ◦ Small sample size ◦ Perceptions do not necessarily translate into reality  What are the desired outcomes?  Retention  Graduation ◦ Representation and generalizability

21 Strengths ◦ Research adds to existing literature ◦ Strengths Perspective empowers participants ◦ Grounded and Inductive Theory Methods provided avenues of exploration for both the researcher and the participants

22  Voluntary participation  Informed consent  Confidentiality  Awareness of risks—however minimal  Aware of the potential for bias

23  Service ◦ Program development  Social Justice ◦ Providing leadership training and a platform for student foster alumni self-advocacy  Dignity and worth of the person ◦ Self-determination and autonomy

24  Importance of human relationships ◦ Networking ◦ Social relationships  Integrity ◦ Grounded Theory and inductive methods capture the reality of student foster alumni experience through exploratory research  Competence-adherence to evidence-based methods of inquiry

25  Micro ◦ One on one interactions with student foster alumni ◦ Improving the quality of mentorship services  Mezzo ◦ Focus groups as a means of continuous evaluation and improvements  Macro ◦ Program development and implementation

26  Andrews, T. (2012). What is Social Constructionism?. Grounded Theory Review, 11(1), 39-46.  Federal Independent Living Program (PL 99-272) (H. Res. 3128, 1986).  Fostering Connections to Success and Increasing Adoptions Act of 2008. HR 6893. 110 th Congress.  John H. Chafee Foster Care Independence Act, 42 U.S.C. 677 § 477 (2001).  McMillen, C., Auslander, W., Elze, D., White, T., & Thompson, R. (2003). Educational experiences and aspirations of older youth in the foster care system. Child Welfare, 72, 475– 495.  Miller, C. (2009). Transitions to adulthood for Texas foster youth. Texans Care for Children. Retrieved from foster_youth.pdf  National Association of Social Workers (NASW). (1999). Code of ethics of the National Association of Social Work. Washington, DC. NASW Press.  Pecora, P. J., Williams, J., Kessler, R. C., Downs, C. A., O'Brien, K., Hiripi, E., et al. (2003). Assessing the effects of foster care: Early results from the Casey National Alumni Study. Seattle, WA: Casey Family Programs.  Rubin, A. & Babbie, E. (2013). Essential Research Methods for Social Work (3 rd ed.). Belmont, CA:Brooks/Cole.  Salazar, A. (2013). The Value of a College Degree for Foster Care Alumni: Comparisons with General Population Samples. Social Work, 59 (2), 139-150.

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