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Unit 6, Lesson 9 Nahum. I. Assyria’s Turn A. The book of Nahum is different from the others we have read because Judah was not the object of the Lord’s.

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Presentation on theme: "Unit 6, Lesson 9 Nahum. I. Assyria’s Turn A. The book of Nahum is different from the others we have read because Judah was not the object of the Lord’s."— Presentation transcript:

1 Unit 6, Lesson 9 Nahum

2 I. Assyria’s Turn A. The book of Nahum is different from the others we have read because Judah was not the object of the Lord’s judgment, but rather Assyria. B. In the other books, Assyria was the instrument of judgment against Judah. Now they are getting their punishment.

3 Nahum 1:15 C. Look, there on the mountains, the feet of one who brings good news, who proclaims peace! Celebrate your festivals, Judah, and fulfill your vows. What good news is Nahum talking about? The downfall of Assyria

4 II. Our own longings for deliverance. What are the top 3 evils that afflict: FamiliesCitiesNation 1.1. 1. 2.2.2. 3.3. 3.

5 III. A Popular Message Nahum was a prophet of judgment to the Assyrians, but a prophet of comfort to Judah. He prophesied about the fall of Ninevah, the capital of Assyria. –It did fall to the Babylonians in 612 bc. It was so completely destroyed that it has never been inhabited since. It was only just discovered in 1845 by archaeologists.

6 IV. Nahum the Poet Like the prophet Isaiah, Nahum used poetry to pack a powerful punch. Why did Nahum use poetry? –To convey strong feelings and to create vivid images of God’s opposition to evil and the results of sin

7 V. Vengeance In the Bible, it is a legal term that means “righting wrongs.” In taking vengeance on Assyria, God was not getting even with people, but correcting the wrongs of sinful people

8 VI. A whirlwind is the symbol for Nahum. Complete Assyria’s Turn on p. 143-144 in your workbook

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