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Impotent (adj.) powerless; lacking strength The impotent leader had no power and was simply a figurehead.

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Presentation on theme: "Impotent (adj.) powerless; lacking strength The impotent leader had no power and was simply a figurehead."— Presentation transcript:

1 impotent (adj.) powerless; lacking strength The impotent leader had no power and was simply a figurehead.

2 antithesis (n.) an exact opposite; an opposite extreme From an endurance standpoint, bowling is the antithesis of cross country.

3 maelstrom (n.) whirlpool; turbulence; agitated state of mind The kid suffered an emotional maelstrom as a result of being bullied on Twitter for his footie pajamas (and for various other reasons). Previous

4 emendation (n.) a correction Mr. Holdeman makes many emendations on these PowerPoint slides. And on my essays.

5 chagrin (n.) embarrassment; a complete loss of courage Cambrian’s mother experienced a good deal of chagrin when he began to call himself “Pebbles.” Momma say she like Bam Bam better! Me like Bam Bam, momma!

6 bauble (n.) a showy but useless thing Hunter Tockey is a bauble at running back. He looks good while he is on the sideline but is just awful on the field.

7 diaphanous (adj.) very sheer and light The dress in this picture appears to be rather diaphanous.

8 labyrinth (n.) a complicated network of winding passages; a maze The children got lost in the labyrinth for hours; their parents were glad for a little break from the miserable wretches.

9 gloat (v.) to look at or think about with great satisfaction Will we shamelessly gloat about our victory over the Purple Puddle on Friday night? Boo-yeah!

10 impediment (n.) a barrier; obstruction For CBHS guys, a complete lack of game is the major impediment in getting the ladies. Even this rotund MUS seventh grader is more fleek.

11 bestial (adj.) savage; brutal Friday night promises to be a bestial beat-down of The Sisters of CBHS at the hands of the Owls.

12 effete (adj.) worn out; barren Near the end of the game, the effete cager faked an injury to get a short breather. My toe! MY TOE!

13 shard (n.) a fragment CBHS students posses only a shard of the intelligence of MUS students.

14 bland (adj.) mild; tasteless; dull Most girls consider the average CBHS student to be rather bland.

15 nihilism (n.) the belief that traditional morals, ideas, beliefs, etc., have no worth or value The definition of nihilism from your VPP Book Three is severely limited; the above definition is more in keeping with the common denotation.

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