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LSS 2533 Research Methods. Research V Quantitative Closed data Closed data Mixed Methods Qualitative Open data.

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Presentation on theme: "LSS 2533 Research Methods. Research V Quantitative Closed data Closed data Mixed Methods Qualitative Open data."— Presentation transcript:

1 LSS 2533 Research Methods

2 Research V Quantitative Closed data Closed data Mixed Methods Qualitative Open data

3 Closed data Questionnaires Select and arrange items for the research topic Tabulate the results results Interpret Experiments Control and manipulate conditions Observe, record and quantify the resultsthe results Interpret

4 Open dataInterviews Look for patterns of meaningfor patterns of meaning CategorizeInterpretObservation Look for patterns of behaviorpatterns of behavior

5  How often do you smoke? N= 142  Never (34%)  Once and while(24%)  A least once a day(12 %)  A few times a day(18 %)  When ever I have a chance(12%)  On a scale of 1 to 5 rate your sense of satisfaction when smoking. No satisfaction 1 2 3 4 5 Total satisfaction Ave= 2.4

6 Control conditions > Introduce treatment > Observe outcome  Phase 1: Pictures were ranked by 100 participants on a scale of 1 (not stressful) to 10 (very stressful).  Phase 2: Twenty five heavy smokers were shown the same pictures. On a scale of 1 to 5 (not at all to very much) the smokers rated their desire to smoke because of seeing the picture.  A strong association (70 covariance) was found between stress ranking of the picture and the desire to smoke among the smokers

7  Interviewer: What sorts of situations make you feel like smoking?  Smoker: When I have test coming or an assignment due I start smoking more. I find when I have a smoke I can relax.  Interviewer: What other situations make you want to smoke?  Smoker: Around the time the teacher puts the scores on the portal I want to smoke more. It helps me deal with the stress. Topic: Theme:

8  People were recorded on video sitting in the smoking area outside the college cafeteria. Analysis of the videos indicates that people sitting alone were more likely to be smoking and were smoking their cigarettes more quickly than people who were sitting and talking to other people.  This might suggest that being socially isolated stimulates smokers to smoke.

9 1. What is likely meant by a mixed methods research design?mixed methods 2. In what type of research are you likely to describe your findings using numbers?type of research 3. What type of research controls the information you get? 4. What conclusion might the researcher draw from the data on the questionnaire slide?questionnaire slide

10 5. What do the results in the experimental slide seem to indicate?experimental slide 6. What might be the topic from the analysis of the interview transcript?interview transcript 7. What might be the theme from the text highlighted in red in the interview analysis transcript? 8. In the observation description, what does the researcher think might be associated with smoking?observation description

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