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“I Can” Learning Targets 5 th English/Writing 5th Six Weeks.

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1 “I Can” Learning Targets 5 th English/Writing 5th Six Weeks

2 English Skills: Unit 6 Writing: Unit 12

3 Ongoing/Year-Long Skills  I can spell words that I use and read often or are tricky to spell.  I can write in print and cursive so that others can read what I write.  I can use correct page format (paragraphs, margins, indentations, titles). I can use capitals at the beginning of the sentence, for proper nouns and adjectives, in titles, abbreviations, and quotations, and in parts of friendly and business letters. I can end my sentence with the correct punctuation.

4 “I Can” Unit 6  I can ID/use subject and object pronouns.  I can ID/use reflexive pronouns. That means I can use a pronoun in the same sentence or part of a sentence as the noun it replaces. (ex. Jane watched herself on video.)  I can ID/use possessive pronouns.  I can ID/use pronouns that agree with the antecedent.  I can write a contraction.  I can define and recognize synonyms, antonyms, and homonyms.

5 Unit 12  I can tell the difference between fact and opinion.  I can tell how two different sets of facts and opinions about a topic are alike and different.  I know that people sometimes try to persuade me by using name-calling, by telling me that everyone else is doing something, by telling me how good something is, or by using words that make their opinion or action sound like a good idea.  I can make a conclusion based on information I found.  I can make conclusions and predictions while reading, viewing, or listening to print and non-print media.  I can be an active listener by making eye contact, facing the speaker, and using appropriate facial expressions.  I can ID/use possessive pronouns.  I can ID/use interjections.  I can respond to text in different ways (choral reading, discussions, dramatization, oral presentations, and personal experiences). Note: Embed the writing SPIs and CFUs with Unit 12 when possible. (next 3 slides)

6 “I Can” Writing, Part I (SPIs) 6  I can identify the audience for which a text is written.  I can identify the purpose for writing.  I can choose the supporting sentence that best fits the context and flow of ideas in a paragraph.  I can identify the sentence that doesn’t fit in a paragraph.  I can select an appropriate concluding sentence for a paragraph.  I can rearrange sentences to form a sequential, coherent paragraph.  I can select details that support a topic sentence.  I can select vivid and active words for a writing sample.  I can choose the sentence that best supports the topic sentence and fits the flow of ideas in a paragraph.  I can select appropriate time-order or transitional words/phrases to enhance a writing sample.  I can rearrange paragraphs into sequential and chronological order.  I can select an appropriate title.  I can complete a graphic organizer to group ideas for writing.  I can write for a variety of purposes.  I can write poems, stories, and essays based upon personal reflections, observations, and experiences.

7 “I Can” Writing, Part II (CFUs) 7  I can determine an audience and purpose for writing.  I can write for a variety of purposes: to entertain, persuade, inform, describe, demonstrate knowledge, answer questions, respond to literature, acquire knowledge (e.g., clarify thinking, take notes, synthesize information, enhance communication).  I can write to narrative and descriptive prompts within a specified time limit.  I can write poems, stories, and essays based upon personal reflections, observations, and experiences.  I can compare and contrast two persons, places, things, or ideas.  I can respond in writing to literature studied.  I can create a well-developed story or passage summary, as well as personal reflections and imaginative writing samples.  I can compose and respond in writing to original questions and/or problems from all content areas.  I can explore writing in the expository mode.  I can recognize and use all steps in the writing process: prewriting, drafting, revising, editing/proofing, evaluating, publishing.  I can construct an outline with main ideas and supporting details.  I can select and refine a topic.  I can compose clear, coherent, well- organized multi-paragraphed works.  I can develop a paragraph with a topic sentence, supporting details, and a concluding sentence.  I can demonstrate syntactic variety.  I can use precise language, including vivid words and figurative language.

8 “I Can” Writing, Part III (CFUs, cont’d) 8  I can use correct page format (e.g., paragraphs, margins, indentations, title).  I can revise to clarify thought, to refine ideas, and to distinguish between important and unimportant information.  I can use resources (e.g., dictionary, thesaurus, computer) to aid in the writing process.  I can demonstrate confidence and competence in using the TN Writing Assessment rubric while evaluating my own writing and the writing of others.  I can use technology to publish and present.  I can identify and explore opportunities for publication (e.g., local/national contests, Internet websites, newspapers, periodicals, school displays).

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